OpSec Operating Systems environment

Setup overview

The following setup is described in the present note:

  • An host Windows operating system using an Hyper-V hypervisor. the IPv4 and IPv6 connectivity is disabled on the host.

  • A Linux virtual machine (such as Kali Linux). The VM is configured with two network adapters: one bridged on the targeted network and the other as an internal / private adapter that can only be used by local VMs on the host.

  • A Windows 10 virtual machine (such as CommandoVM). The VM is configured with only the internal / private adapter and network traffic from the VM is routed to the targeted network through the Linux VM.

In the aforementioned configuration:

  • The host operating system should not leak network traffic on the targeted network.

  • Only the Linux VM is bridged on the network, limiting the use of a single MAC address in the targeted network. Switches might otherwise detect that multiple MAC addresses are used over a single physical port (such as through DHCP requests).

Host configuration

Hyper-V virtual switches configuration

Two virtual Hyper-V switches should be configured for the setup: an External virtual switch bridged on the host system network adapter (<HYPERV_EXTERNAL_BRIDGED>), and a Private virtual switch (<HYPERV_PRIVATE>), that will only be used by the local virtual machines.

The procedure to create virtual switches in Hyper-V using the Hyper-V Manager graphical utility is as follow:

Right click on the Hyper-V server -> Virtual Switch Manager... -> Create Virtual Switch
  # Bridged switch.
  -> Check "External network":
  -> Specify the network adapter.

  # Private switch
  -> Check "Private network"

Disabling IPv4 and IPv6 connectivity

The connectivity of the host operating system to the targeted network should be disabled, so that only the Linux VM is (directly) connected to the targeted network. In order to do so, IPv4 and IPv6 support on both the physical Ethernet network adapter and the Hyper-V bridged external virtual switch <HYPERV_EXTERNAL_BRIDGED> should be disabled.

# Should be done for both the physical Ethernet and Hyper-V virtual <HYPERV_EXTERNAL_BRIDGED> network adapters.
Run (Win + R) -> ncpa.cpl (-> OK) -> Right click on the adapter -> Properties
-> Networking tab
  -> Uncheck "File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks"
  -> Uncheck "Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)"
  -> Uncheck "Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP/IPv6)"
  -> Uncheck "Link-Layer Topology Discovery Responder"
  -> Uncheck "Link-Layer Topology Discovery Mapper I/O Driver"

It is also recommended to disable the Wi-Fi network adapter (on systems having such network adapter):

# Disables the "Wi-Fi" network adapter.
Disable-NetAdapter -Name "Wi-Fi"

# Enables the "Wi-Fi" network adapter to restore Wi-Fi connectivity.
Enable-NetAdapter -Name "Wi-Fi"

Linux VM guest configuration

As described in the setup above, the Linux VM will have two network interfaces:

  • <ETH_EXTERNAL> (example: eth0) that will be bridged to the targeted network.

  • <ETH_INTERNAL> (example: eth1) that will be internal / private to the host.

Hyper-V Enhanced Session Mode for Linux

Hyper-V's Enhanced Session Mode provides a number of feature (shared drives, better screen resolution,...) and gives a better user experience with the virtual machine guest. To more easily install the Enhanced Session Mode feature in a Linux VM, it is recommended to use a Kali Linux distro, as support for the feature is provided by the Kali mainteners.

The kali-tweaks utility can be used from kali to install the hyperv-daemons and enable support for Enhanced Session Mode:

# Virtualization -> Configure the system for Hyper-V enhanced session mode.
sudo kali-tweaks

The Linux VM should then be shutdown and the following PowerShell cmdlet executed (with Administrators privileges):

Set-VM "<VM_NAME>" -EnhancedSessionTransportType HVSocket

Futher access to the Linux VM will be done through the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) with the xrdp utility. If the session is opened with user privileges, the root user must be given access control to the current session in order to be able to open graphical utility. Otherwise an cannot open display: :1.0 error message may arise.

xhost +SI:localuser:root

Updating the machine's hostname (to match the environment / context)

It is recommended to update the hostname of the system that will connect to the internal network, to help blend in normal traffic.

The Linux VM hostname can be updated by editing the /etc/hostname file. The system must be rebooted for the hostname change to be effective.

Updating the network interface MAC address

It is recommenced to change the MAC address associated with the <ETH_EXTERNAL> network adapter, in order to bypass simple Network Access Control (NAC) solutions and blend in the usual network traffic. The MAC address of the <ETH_EXTERNAL> network adapter should be changed through the hypervisor (or eventually the guest operating system).

By default Hyper-V assign a MAC address to virtual machines from a range defined globally and common to all virtual switches. The default MAC addresses range start with 00-15-5D (associated with Microsoft), and so even Linux VMs will appear to have a network adapter manufactured by Microsoft.

A custom static MAC address can be assigned to a (shutdown) specific virtual machine through Hyper-V::

In the VM settings (right click on the VM, Settings) -> Network Adapter -> + -> Advanced Features
  -> MAC address -> Static -> <MAC_ADDRESS>
  -> Check "Enable MAC address spoofing" (to eventually allow easier modification of the MAC address)

The ifconfig utility can be used to change the MAC address from the Linux guest operating system (if spoofing of MAC address is enabled from Hyper-V):

ifconfig <ETH_EXTERNAL> hw ether <MAC_ADDRESS>

If an Device or resource busy - you may need to down the interface error occurs, the network interface will need to be shutdown:

ifconfig <ETH_EXTERNAL> down

ifconfig <ETH_EXTERNAL> up

Disabling IPv6 connectivity (if not needed)

If IPv6 is not used in the target environment, it is recommended to disable its support at a system level. IPv6 can be disabled from grub as the Linux kernel has a boot option to disable IPv6 from startup. The grub configuration file should be modified to add the ipv6.disable=1 boot option:

sudo vim /etc/default/grub

Replace the GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet" line by GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="ipv6.disable=1 quiet"

Following the modification, grub should be updated using sudo update-grub and the system rebooted.

IPv6 connectivity can also be disabled on a network adapter basis, for example using the Network Manager:

sudo nm-connection-editor

Avoiding DNS request leaks

Avoiding self-hostname DNS requests.

By default, the Linux operating system may try to retrieve the current machine IP. In order to avoid leaking unwanted DNS requests on the targeted network, an entry for the system's hostname should be added in the /etc/hosts file:

echo ' <HOSTNAME>' | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts

Setting DNS nameservers to localhost.

It is recommended to set the system-wide DNS nameservers to localhost, in order to avoid leaking DNS requests (from the operating system, Web browsers, security products, ...) that may indicate an unusual traffic and generate alerts (from solutions such as DarkTrace or Vectra).

Setting the DNS nameservers through the /etc/resolv.conf is not sufficient as the file is indirectly managed by the systemd-resolved service as well as the networking.service (for instance for updates made through the NetworkManager).

The reolvconf utility can be used to permanently define the system's DNS nameservers (and so even if no network adapters are configured at the of configuration):

# Installs the reolvconf utility.
sudo apt update && sudo apt install resolvconf

# Enables and starts the resolvconf.service service.
sudo systemctl enable resolvconf.service
sudo systemctl start resolvconf.service

# Checks the status of the resolvconf.service service.
sudo systemctl status resolvconf.service

# Defines the system DNS nameservers.
mv /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/ /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d_backup/
mkdir /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/ && echo 'nameserver' > /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/head

# Updates the resolv.conf file.
sudo resolvconf -u

# Validates that the DNS nameservers modification is effective.
cat /etc/resolv.conf

Deploying a third-party local DNS server.

By default, glibc sends all DNS requests to the first DNS nameserver specified in the /etc/resolv.conf file. Using the aforementioned command, the nameserver entry should be defined at the top of the resolv.conf file, superseding eventual other DNS nameservers (notably the eventual DNS nameservers provided by the targeted network DHCP servers).

As the Linux operating system does natively not support the definition of DNS nameservers for specific domains. A third-party utility such as dnsmasq must thus be used to associate specific DNS nameservers with specific domains.

The following configuration file restrict can be used as a template for /etc/dnsmasq.conf that configure as the default DNS server while defining specific domain and DNS mappings as required.

# Never forward plain names (without a dot or domain part).

# Never forward addresses in the non-routed address spaces.

# Use the nameservers define in its own configuration (rather than the /etc/resolv.conf file).

# Define localhost as the main DNS nameserver.

# Answer query for the specified domain (machine hostname) only from the /etc/hosts file or DHCP.

# Associates a specific DNS nameserver for queries to a specific domain.
# Example for Internet domain: server=/google.com/
# Example for Active Direcory name resolution: server=/domain.loc/<DC_IP>

The dnsmasq service should then be enabled and started / restarted for the configuration to be effective:

sudo systemctl enable dnsmasq

sudo systemctl start dnsmasq
sudo systemctl restart dnsmasq

Blocking inbound / outbound network traffic using UFW

The Uncomplicated Firewall (UFW) utility can be used to block all inbound / outbound connections that do not match a rule, which allow to strictly control the network footprint of the system on the targeted network. UFW translates rules into an iptables chain, which follows the first-match policy.

IPv6 support for UFW should first be enabled by adding IPV6=yes to the UFW configuration file /etc/default/ufw:

echo 'IPV6=yes' | sudo tee -a /etc/default/ufw

Before adding any new rules, UFW configuration should be restored to its initial state using:

# Disables UFW while setting rules.
ufw disable

# Resets all the current firewall rules.
ufw reset

The following entries in the UFW default configuration file /etc/ufw/before.rules (rules added before any other rule) should be deleted / commented out:

# If DHCP is not needed (allow dhcp client to work).
# -A ufw-before-input -p udp --sport 67 --dport 68 -j ACCEPT

# allow MULTICAST mDNS for service discovery.
# -A ufw-before-input -p udp -d --dport 5353 -j ACCEPT

# allow MULTICAST UPnP for service discovery.
# -A ufw-before-input -p udp -d --dport 1900 -j ACCEPT

If UFW is deployed and the Linux VM is used to forward network traffic from the Windows VM, the /etc/ufw/before.rules file should be modified (as detailed in the "Forwarding of network traffic from the private interface" section below) at this stage (after the reset operation and before applying any other rule).

The following commands can then be used as a template to configure blocking inbound / outbound rules with rules to allow network traffic through the <ETH_INTERNAL>.

# Deny rules.
# Place holder for deny rules that should supersede any allow rules.
# Blocks the Simple Service Discovery Protocol (SSDP) protocol that emit multicast SSDP messages.
ufw deny 1900

# Allow all inbound and outbound traffic on the the <ETH_INTERNAL> interface.
ufw allow in on <ETH_INTERNAL>
ufw allow out on <ETH_INTERNAL>

# Example rules to allow traffic to a specific DNS server.
# ufw allow out to <DNS_NAMESERVER_IP> port 53

# Example rule to allow inbound connections <REMOTE_IP> on the local specified port.
# ufw allow in from <REMOTE_IP> to any port <PORT>

# Example rule to outbound connections to the specified host.
# ufw allow out to <REMOTE_IP>

# Example rules to allow network traffic on private networks.
ufw allow in from
ufw allow out to
ufw allow in from
ufw allow out to
ufw allow in from
ufw allow out to

# Sets default rules: deny all incoming traffic, deny all outgoing traffic.
ufw default deny incoming
ufw default deny outgoing

# Enables UFW back.
ufw enable

# Lists all UFW rules.
ufw status verbose

Forwarding of network traffic from the private network

IP Forwarding should be enabled to allow the transfer of network packets received from the Windows VM (on the <ETH_INTERNAL> network adapter) to the targeted network (through the <ETH_EXTERNAL> network adapter):

sudo echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

If UFW is used on the system, iptables rules - first option below - should be created directly but added in the /etc/ufw/before.rules file - second option below - (as existing iptables rules are overwritten by the UFW utility).

If UFW is not used to filter network traffic.

The following iptables rules can be configured to route packets from <ETH_INTERNAL> to <ETH_EXTERNAL>:

# Adds a masquerade rule so that the network packets received from the Windows VM are modified in real-time to appear to be originating from the Linux VM.
# By doing so, receiving hosts on the targeted network will be able to send back their responses to the Linux VM instead of attempting to join the inaccessible Windows VM.
# Example: iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE

# Adds a forwarding rule so that the network packets associated with an existing connection received on the <ETH_EXTERNAL> interface are sent to the <ETH_INTERNAL> interface.
# By doing so, the responses from remote hosts on the targeted network received for requests emitted by the Windows VM will be able to be transferred back.
# Example: iptables -A FORWARD -i eth0 -o eth1 -mstate --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT

# Adds a forwarding rule so that all the network packets received on the  <ETH_INTERNAL> interface are sent to the <ETH_EXTERNAL> interface.
# By doing so, all network packets received on the <ETH_INTERNAL> interface will be sent through the <ETH_EXTERNAL> interface.
# Example: iptables -A FORWARD -i eth1 -o eth0 -j ACCEPT

If UFW is used to filter network traffic.

To configure equivalent forwarding using UFW, the following settings should be configured:

  • In the default UFW configuration file /etc/default/ufw, the DEFAULT_FORWARD_POLICY parameter should be set to ACCEPT:

  • In the /etc/ufw/sysctl.conf file, IPv4 and (if required) IPv6 forwarding should be enabled by uncommenting the following entries:

  • In the /etc/ufw/before.rules file, the following iptables forwarding rules should be added at the top of the file:

    # Example: -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE
    :INPUT ACCEPT [0:0]
    :FORWARD DROP [0:0]
    :OUTPUT ACCEPT [0:0]
    # Example: -A FORWARD -i eth0 -o eth1 -mstate --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
    # Example: -A FORWARD -i eth1 -o eth0 -j ACCEPT

Network interfaces configuration

The <ETH_EXTERNAL> adapter should be configured appropriately depending on the context of the operation, and only after the Linux and Windows VMs are configured. For instance, the <ETH_EXTERNAL> adapter could rely on the target network DHCP servers to obtain an IPv4 or a static IPv4 could be specified.

A static IPv4 should be configured on the <ETH_INTERNAL> adapter. The static IP can be assigned by modifying the /etc/network/interfaces file:

# Example configuration with <ETH_INTERNAL> being eth1.

# The settings for the loopback network interface should be left unchanged.

auto eth1
iface eth1 inet static

Following the modification of the /etc/network/interfaces file, the networking service must be restarted for the change to be effective: sudo systemctl restart networking.

Then routes should be configured to route all network traffic through <ETH_EXTERNAL>, except for network traffic on the VMs private subnet. The ip built-in utility can be used to this end. The routes configured this way will not persist across reboots.

# Deletes the current default route(s).
ip route del default

# Adds a new default to route network traffic through <ETH_EXTERNAL>.
ip route add default via <ETH_EXTERNAL_GATEWAY> dev <ETH_EXTERNAL>

# Adds a specific route for network traffic between VMs.
# For the example above: ip route add via dev eth1

# Displays the routes in effect.
netstat -rt

Note: the Windows VM firewall may block inbound ICMP packets, thus ping should not be used to determine if the VMs can communicate with each others.

Windows VM guest configuration

As described in the setup above, the Windows VM will only have a <ETH_INTERNAL> network adapter internal / private to the host (example Ethernet 1). The network traffic from the Windows VM will be routed to the targeted network through the Linux VM.

Network configuration and routing traffic to the Linux VM

Not required for standalone Windows VM configuration.

The default gateway of the Windows VM should be configured to point the the IP of the Linux VM (of the Linux VM's internal network interface).

Run (Win + R) -> ncpa.cpl (-> OK) -> Right click on the <ETH_INTERNAL> network adapter (identifiable by its description: "Hyper-V Virtual Ethernet Adapter") -> Properties
  -> Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) -> Properties
    -> Set a static IPv4 address ("Use the following IP address:")
      # Example.
      -> IP address:
      -> Subnet mask:
      -> Default gateway:

    -> Advanced -> Default gateways... -> Add -> <LINUX_VM_IP> (example:

    -> Check "Validate settings upon exit"

Updating the machine's hostname (to match the environment / context)

It is recommended to update the hostname of the system that will connect to the internal network, to help blend in normal traffic.

# Changes the hostname of the local computer.
WMIC ComputerSystem where Name="%COMPUTERNAME%" call Rename Name=<NEW_HOSTNAME>
Rename-Computer -NewName <NEW_HOSTNAME>

# Restarts the computer for the hostname to be effective.
shutdown.exe -r -t 0

Updating the network interface MAC address

Not required if the Windows VM is not bridged to the targeted network (as described in the setup specified in this note).

If the Windows VM is bridged to the targeted network, it is recommenced to change the MAC address associated with the network adapter bridged to the network, in order to bypass simple Network Access Control (NAC) solutions and blend in the usual network traffic. The MAC address of the network adapter should be changed through the hypervisor (or eventually the guest operating system).

A custom static MAC address can be assigned to a (shutdown) specific virtual machine through Hyper-V:

In the VM settings (right click on the VM, Settings) -> Network Adapter -> + -> Advanced Features
  -> MAC address -> Static -> <MAC_ADDRESS>
  -> Check "Enable MAC address spoofing" (to eventually allow easier modification of the MAC address)

The ipconfig utility can be used to change the MAC address from the Windows guest operating system (if spoofing of MAC address is enabled from Hyper-V):

# Shows the network interfaces and their respective MAC address ("Physical Address").
ipconfig.exe /all

# Changes the MAC address through the Device manager (devmgmt.msc) graphical utility.
Device Manager -> Network adapters -> Right click on the network adapter of the network interface -> Properties
  -> Advanced -> Network Address -> Value: MAC address.

Disabling IPv6 connectivity (if not needed)

If IPv6 is not used in the target environment, it is recommended to disable its support at a network interface level.

# Lists the network interfaces.

# Disables IPV6 on the specified network interface.
Set-NetAdapterBinding -Name "<ETH_INTERNAL>" -ComponentID ms_tcpip6 -Enabled $False

Disabling the LLMNR and NetBIOS protocols

It is recommended to disable the LLMNR and NetBIOS protocols that may leak broadcast requests (including Net-NTLM(v1|v2) credentials) on the local subnet.

# Disables the use of the LLMNR protocol.
New-Item "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows NT" -Name DNSClient -Force
New-ItemProperty "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows NT\DNSClient" -Name EnableMultiCast -Value 0 -PropertyType DWORD -Force

# Disables the use of the use of the NetBIOS protocol.
$RegKey = "HKLM:SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\NetBT\Parameters\Interfaces"
Get-ChildItem $RegKey | foreach { Set-ItemProperty -Path "$RegKey\$($_.pschildname)" -Name NetbiosOptions -Value 2 -Verbose }

Disabling the Web Proxy Auto Discovery protocol

It is recommended to disable the Web Proxy Auto Discovery (WPAD) protocol as it may leak DNS and LLMNR requests (for wpad*) on the network. The WPAD protocol can be disabled through the Windows settings or an host file entry (advised to do both):

# Windows settings.
Settings -> Network & Internet -> Proxy -> Untoggle "Automatically detect settings" (-> Off)
Or Control Panel -> Network and Internet -> Internet Options -> Connections tab -> LAN settings > Uncheck "Automatically detect settings"

# host file entry
Add-Content ' wpad.' -Path "$Env:SystemRoot\system32\drivers\etc\hosts"

Disabling 802.1x authentication (if supported by the network adapter)

It is recommended to disable 802.1x authentication (on a network interface / adapter basis), as it may leak Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) responses on the network. If 802.1x authentication is not supported by the <ETH_INTERNAL> network adapter, the Authentication tab will not appear in the adapter properties.

Run (Win + R) -> ncpa.cpl (-> OK) -> Right click on the <ETH_INTERNAL> network adapter -> Properties
  -> Authentication tab -> Uncheck "Enable IEEE 802.1X authentication"

Disabling File and Printer Sharing & Link Layer Topology Discovery

The Link Layer Topology Discovery (LLTD) protocol is used to determine / map a network's topology. The usage of the protocol is disabled by default for "Domain" and "Public" networks. It is however recommended to disable the usage of the protocol at a network adapter level to be certain that no LLTD requests will be leaked.

It is also recommended to disable File and Printer Sharing at a adapter level.

Run (Win + R) -> ncpa.cpl (-> OK) -> Right click on the <ETH_INTERNAL> network adapter -> Properties
  -> Networking tab
    -> Uncheck "File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks"
    -> Uncheck "Link-Layer Topology Discovery Responder"
    -> Uncheck "Link-Layer Topology Discovery Mapper I/O Driver"

Disabling the Simple Service Discovery Protocol

The Simple Service Discovery Protocol (SSDP) is used as the discovery protocol in the Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) protocols suite and may result in multicast SSDP alive messages being sent over the network.

It is recommended to disable the support of the SSDP protocol by stopping and disabling the SSDPSRV Windows service:

# Using the sc.exe built-in CLI utility.
sc stop SSDPSRV
sc config "SSDPSRV" start=disabled

# Using the services.msc built-in graphical utility.
Run (Win + R) -> type services.msc (-> OK) -> Right click on the "SSDP Discovery" service
  -> Stop
  -> Properties -> Set "Startup type" to "Disabled"

Disabling the Internet Group Management Protocol

The Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) is used to establish multicast group memberships on the local subnet and may result in multicast IGMP membership requests / reports being sent over the network.

It is recommended to disable the support of the IGMP protocol and to add a Firewall rule blocking all outbound IGMP traffic:

# Disables IGMP traffic by setting the IGMPLevel registry key to 0x0 (None).
netsh interface ipv4 set global mldlevel=none

# validates that the IGMPLevel registry was correctly set.
REG query HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters /v IGMPLevel

# Blocks the IGMP using the Windows Firewall.
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="Block outbound IGMP" dir=out action=block protocol=2
New-NetFirewallRule -DisplayName "Block outbound IGMP" -Direction Outbound -Action Block -Protocol 2

Avoiding DNS request leaks by setting DNS nameservers to localhost

It is recommended to set the system-wide DNS nameservers to localhost or the DNS server hosted by the Linux VM, in order to avoid leaking DNS requests (from Windows, Web browsers, or security products) that may indicate an unusual traffic and generate alerts (from solutions such as DarkTrace or Vectra).

Windows VM configuration for setup with a Linux VM hosting a DNS service.

# Shows the network interfaces settings. Can be used to retrieve the interface name and validate settings updates.
netsh interface ip show config

# Statically sets the primary DNS server for the given interface to the Linux VM IP address.
# Example: netsh interface ip set dns "Ethernet 1" static
netsh interface ip set dns "<ETH_INTERNAL>" static <LINUX_VM_IP>

Standalone Windows VM configuration.

Then Name Resolution Policy Table (NRPT) rules, host file entries, or tools that allow DNS nameservers specification can be used to make controlled DNS requests.

# Shows the network interfaces settings. Can be used to retrieve the interface name and validate settings updates.
netsh interface ip show config

# Statically sets the primary DNS server for the given interface to the loopback address.
# The following error message may be returned with no incidence: "The configured DNS server is incorrect or does not exist".
netsh interface ip set dns "<ETH_INTERNAL>" static

# Creates a NRPT rule so that any domains that match "*.<DOMAIN>" will be resolved using the specified nameserver(s).
# Example: Add-DnsClientNrptRule -Namespace "*.google.com" -NameServers ""
Add-DnsClientNrptRule -Namespace "*.<DOMAIN>" -NameServers "<NAMESERVER_IP>"

Blocking inbound / outbound network traffic using the Windows Firewall

The Windows Firewall can be configured to block all inbound / outbound connections that do not match a rule, which allow to strictly control the network footprint of the system on the targeted network.

Even if the UFW firewall is used to define firewalling iptables rules on the Linux VM, the Windows VM network traffic will be forwarded directly and will not be subject to network filtering defined on the Linux VM.

The following netsh commands or PowerShell cmdlets can be used to enable the Windows Firewall, and block all inbound / outbound traffic:

# Enables all Windows firewall profiles.
netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state on
Set-NetFirewallProfile -All -Enabled True

# Block all inbound and outbound traffic for all Windows firewall profiles.
# The firewall can be configured to block all inbound connections or only block inbound connections that do not match an inbound rule.
netsh advfirewall set allprofiles firewallpolicy <blockinboundalways | blockinbound>,blockoutbound
Set-NetFirewallProfile –All [-AllowInboundRules False] –DefaultInboundAction Block –DefaultOutboundAction Block

# Delete every inbound and outbound rules currently defined.
netsh advfirewall firewall delete rule name=all
Remove-NetFirewallRule -All

The following commands can be used to allow inbound / outbound traffic on a remote host or program basis:

# Allows inbound connections over the specified TCP port.
# Only effective if the firewall is configured to take into account inbound rules.
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="Open inbound port <PORT>" dir=in action=allow protocol=TCP localport=<PORT>
New-NetFirewallRule -DisplayName "Open inbound port <PORT>" -Direction Inbound -Action Allow -Protocol TCP -LocalPort <PORT>

# Allows outbound connections to the specified host(s).
# ! Make sure that traffic to internal DNS servers is not allowed if the DNS servers are configured system-wide. Otherwise Windows / browser / tools DNS requests will leak !
# Example to allow traffic to the private subnet: netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="Open outbound to internal subnet" dir=out action=allow remoteip=
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="Open outbound to hosts <XXX>" dir=out action=allow remoteip=<IPv4 | IPv6 | SUBNET (ex: | | RANGE (ex:>
New-NetFirewallRule -DisplayName "Open outbound to hosts <XXX>" -Direction Outbound -Action Allow -RemoteAddress <IPv4 | IPv6 | SUBNET (ex: | | RANGE (ex:>

# Allows outbound connections of the specified program.
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="<APPLICATION> outbound" dir=out action=allow program="<BINARY_FULL_PATH>"
New-NetFirewallRule -DisplayName "<APPLICATION> outbound" -Direction Outbound -Action Allow -Program "<BINARY_FULL_PATH>"

The settings of the Windows Firewall can be restored to their default values:

netsh advfirewall reset
(New-Object -ComObject HNetCfg.FwPolicy2).RestoreLocalFirewallDefaults()











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