554 - RTSP


The Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) is a non-stateless network control protocol designed for media streaming between endpoints.

RTSP defines a number of commands for controlling multimedia playback, which can be send both way, from client to server or vice versa.

The connection to a RTSP service is made using an RTSP URL of the following format: rtsp://<HOSTNAME | IP>:<PORT>/<STREAM_ROUTE>.

Network scan

nmap can be used to scan the network for RTSP services:

nmap -v -p 554 -sV -sC -oA nmap_smb <RANGE | CIDR>

The Cameradar GO tool can be used to scan the network for RTSP services and conduct automated dictionary attacks on the stream route and username/password of the retrieved services.

# sudo service docker start

docker pull ullaakut/cameradar

# Scan ports 554, 5554, 8554
docker run ullaakut/cameradar -t <HOSTNAME | IP | CIDR | RANGE | FILE>

docker run <FILES_DIR_PATH>:/tmp/dictionaries ullaakut/cameradar -t <HOSTNAME | IP | CIDR | RANGE | FILE> -p "1-65535"-r <FILE_STREAM_ROUTES> -c <FILE_CREDENTIALS_JSON>

RTSP stream access

The utility VLC Media Player can be used to access the video stream using Open Network Stream / Ctrl + N and specifying the RTSP URL in the following format:


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