

Internal pentesting simulates an insider attack starting from a point within the internal network.

The present note does not address Active Directory pentesting. While part of the methodology detailed in this note can be applied for an Active Directory security audit, specific tools and techniques make the overall approach completely different.

After enumerating accessible hosts and their exposed services, the first step in an internal penetration test is to look for the path of least resistance, aka the low hanging fruits that can easily be detected and exploited (unpatched systems, default or guessable passwords, etc.).

The following methodology makes use of several automated tools and is thus not directly implacable to the OSCP exam.

Notable tools used in this methodology



Tool to validates and screenshot websites written in Go.


Web fuzzer written in Go that can be used for directory bruteforcing.


Python utility to use single threaded command line applications in parallel and with CIDR support.


Fast asynchronous and stateless network port scanner written in C.


Offensive framework notably used for vulnerability detection and exploitation.


Proprietary automated vulnerabilities scanner.


Network ports and services scanner.


Bash script to parse and extract information from nmap output.


Python script to convert nmap output to CSV.


Python login brute-forcer ang fuzzer.

Remote Server Administration Tools (RSAT) PowerShell ActiveDirectory module

PowerShell cmdlets to extract AD information if an account is provided.


Fast network port scanner written in Rust.


Collection of multiple types of lists (directory wordlists, usernames and passwords wordlists, etc.).

Sn1per Community Edition

Opensource automated vulnerabilities scanner.

Python script to enumerate local users through OpenSSH services vulnerable to the CVE-2018-15473 vulnerability.

testssl sslscan2

Tools to enumerate the supported ciphers and presence of cryptographic flaws of SSL / TLS services.


Tool to identify technological components, including content management systems, of web applications.

0. Hosts enumeration through Active Directory

AD enrolled systems enumeration

If an AD account is provided for the internal penetration test, AD queries can be used to quickly enumerate th (most-likely Windows) systems.

Note that the IP retrieved may not be up to date or may even correspond to an non accessible IP form another network interface.

Get-ADComputer -Filter * -Property IPv4Address | Export-CSV <FILENAME>.csv -NoTypeInformation -Encoding UTF8

# Identify obsolete Windows operating systems in use.
Get-ADComputer -Filter {Enabled -eq "True"} -Properties OperatingSystem | ? { $_.OperatingSystem -Match "Windows NT|Windows 2000 Server|Windows Server 2003|Windows Server 2008|Windows XP|Windows 7"} | Sort OperatingSystem | Ft DNSHostName, OperatingSystem

# Identify servers if a certain naming convention is respected, for example servers name's starting with a "S" and computer with a "P".
Get-ADComputer -Filter "Name -like 'S*'" -Property IPv4Address

# Specific search for known services.
Get-ADComputer -Filter "Name -like '*MSSQL*'" -Property IPv4Address
Get-ADComputer -Filter "Name -like '*TOMCAT*'" -Property IPv4Address

DNS hostnames resolution from target file

To resolve a list of DNS hostnames the following commands can be used:

nmap -T5 -sL -n -oN hostnames_resolved.nmap -iL $hostnames
cat hostnames_resolved.nmap | grep "scan report" | cut --output-delimiter=',' -d ' ' -f '5,6' | tr -d '()' > hosts.csv && rm hostnames_resolved.nmap
cut -d ',' -f 2 hosts.csv > IP.txt

1. Ports and services scan

For more details on techniques and tools to conduct ports and services scan, refer to the [General] Ports scan note.

Command that may require a long execution time, can be started using the nohup utility. nohup will start a process that remain active even after the user that launched it logged out: nohup <COMMAND> &.

Ping sweep

nmap can be used to identify live hosts through a "ping sweep":

  • ARP ping for hosts on the same local subnet.

  • ICMP echo requests and TCP probes on ports 80 and 443 otherwise.

While a "ping sweep" can be used to quickly identify live hosts, it will miss any targets outside of the local subnet that do not answer to ping or do not expose services on the TCP 80 / 443 ports.

nmap -v -sn -T4 -oG <OUTPUT_NMAP_GNMAP> [<RANGE | CIDR> | -iL <INPUT_FILE>]

grep "Status: Up" <OUTPUT_NMAP_GNMAP> | cut -f 2 -d ' ' > <OUTPUT_IP_FILE>

Asynchronous fast ports scan

Masscan or RustScan can be used to conduct fast asynchronous and stateless ports scan on targets supporting high inbound network bandwidth. masscan / RustScan's ports scan speed can be combined with nmap's services detection probes to rapidly conduct a large network ports and services scan.

Note however that the trade-off for the speed achieved using masscan / RustScan is less precision, and potentially missed open ports.

# From file
masscan -i <INTERFACE> --rate 10000 --open -p 1-65535 -iL <INPUT_IP_FILE> > <RAW_MASSCAN_OUTPUT>

# Using CIDR or IP range
masscan -i <INTERFACE> --rate 10000 --open -p 1-65535 <CIDR | RANGE> > <RAW_MASSCAN_OUTPUT>

Nmap limited ports scan

Against unresponsive hosts, or for better overall precision, nmap can be used directly to scan for open ports. As nmap is significantly slower than the aforementioned ports scanners, only a limited range of ports should be probed (by default the TCP top 1000 ports).

# The ports scan can be mutualized with a service -sV and default script -sC scan.

nmap -v -Pn [-sT] [-sV -sC] --min-hostgroup 128 --host-timeout 3600s -oA <OUTPUT_FILES> -iL <INPUT_IP_FILE>

Nmap services scan

Once the open ports are enumerated, nmap can be used to conduct a services scan to more precisely identify exposed services and conduct banner probing / versions identification.

nmap does not currently provide a way to scan specific host/port combinations, which grandly limit the chaining possibility between ports scan outputs and services scans. A GitHub issue is open and an external patch is being reviewed: GitHub issue and Nmap Development mailing list.

Full ports and services scan from IPs / range / CIDR input file

The following command will instruct nmap to conduct a full ports scan (-p-) on every host, without first trying to detect live hosts using a probing requests (-Pn).

nmap -v -Pn [-sT] -p- -sV -sC --min-hostgroup 64 --host-timeout 3600s -oA <OUTPUT_FILES> -iL <INPUT_IP_FILE>

From masscan output

The currently optimized approach is to conduct a service scan on all ports identified as open on at least one host.

ports=$(cut -d ' ' -f 4 <RAW_MASSCAN_OUTPUT> | awk -F "/" '{print $1}' | sort -n | tr '\n' ',' | sed 's/,$//')

# IP & range.
IP="<IP>" && SUB="<MASK>"
nmap -v -Pn -sV -sC -oA "$IP-$SUB-TCP" -p $ports "$IP/$SUB"

# From file.
nmap -v -Pn -sV -sC -oA "<OUTPUTNAME>" -p $ports -iL <FILENAME>

nmap output parsing


The NmaptoCSV Python script can be used to convert nmap output to the CSV format. The produced CSV file can be loaded in a graphical CSV reader (such as Excel) for an easier analysis of nmap scan results.


nmaptocsv [-d ","] -x <NMAP_XML_OUPUT> -o <CSV_OUTPUT>


The nmap-parse-output bash script can be used to parse and extract information from nmap results (in the xml format). It will be used extensively in this note to extract hosts exposing certain services.

# Extract hosts with the specified service exposed, in the following format: "<IP>:<PORT>".
nmap-parse-output <NMAP_XML_SCAN_RESULT> service <SERVICE_NAME>

Sort file by IP order

The following one-liner can be used to sort a list of IP addresses, or any file in which each line starts by an IP:

sort -t . -k 3,3n -k 4,4n <INPUT_FILE>

2. Automated vulnerabilities discovery

Tenable Nessus

Nessus is a proprietary automated vulnerability scanner. It can be used to scan for vulnerabilities, various misconfigurations, and empty / default passwords on common services.

Depending, on the number of hosts to scan, Nessus can be instructed to conduct a full ports scan and / or limit its scan for vulnerabilities that could result in remote code execution.

# Transforms a list of servers hostnames / IPs into a comma separated list.
sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/ /g' <INPUT_FILE>

# Instructs Nessus to scan all 0-65535 ports.
Settings -> Discovery -> Scan type -> Port scan (all ports)

# Instructs Nessus to limit scan for RCE vulnerabilities.
Plugins -> Only keep "Backdoors", "Gain a shell remotely" and "Service detection" enabled.

Sn1per Community Edition

Alternatively or in addition, the Sn1per Community Edition automated scanner can be used as well.

The NUKE mode will launch a full audit of multiple hosts specified in text file including:

  • full ports scan.

  • sub-domains brute force and DNS zone transfers.

  • anonymous FTP / LDAP access, SMB NULL sessions and SNMP community strings.

  • Web scan using WPScan, Arachni and Nikto for all detected web services.

sniper --update
sniper -f <TARGETS_FILE> nuke

3. SMB services enumeration and analysis

Multiple known vulnerabilities affect the SMB protocol, that could allow if unpatched unauthenticated remote code execution.

Additionally, SMB network shares could be accessible to unauthenticated users (Anonymous or Guest access). If an Active Directory account was provided, or could be compromised, refer to the [ActiveDirectory] GPP and shares searching note for techniques and tools for authenticated shares enumeration and searches.

SMB RCE vulnerabilities

Nmap and metasploit can be used to detect vulnerability on exposed SMB services. It is recommended to combine both tools to minimize the number of false-negatives.

For vulnerability exploitation, refer to the [L7] SMB - Methodology note.

# If necessary, extracts the hosts exposing a service on port 445 from a nmap's gnmap output.
grep -w '445/open' <NMAP_GNMAP_OUTPUT> | cut -d ' ' -f 2 | tee <OUTPUT_HOSTS_SMB>

nmap -v -Pn -n -sT -p 139,445 -sV --script=vuln -oA <OUTPUT_HOSTS_SMB_VULN> -iL <INPUT_HOSTS>

msfconsole -q -x "use auxiliary/scanner/smb/smb_ms17_010; [set SMBUser <USERNAME>; set SMBPass <PASSWORD>;] set RHOSTS file:<INPUT_HOSTS>; run"

Null session and guest access to shares

smbmap can be used to attempt to list the accessible shares on the hosts exposing an SMB services. If any share is found to be accessible, refer to the [L7] SMB - Methodology for techniques and tooling to search and retrieve sensible content in the shares.

# Unauthenticated access attempt.
smbmap --host-file <INPUT_HOSTS>

# Access attempt using the built-in Guest account (RID 501).
smbmap -u "Guest" --host-file <INPUT_HOSTS>
smbmap -u "Invité" --host-file <INPUT_HOSTS>

# Access attempt using the given credentials.

Null session enumeration attempts

enum4linux-ng can be used to attempt in an unauthenticated manner to retrieve information, in addition to exposed shares, such as local users, groups, password policy information, etc. For more information, refer to the [L7] MSRPC note.

Interlace is used in combination with enum4linux-ng to manage multi-threading and parameterize output.

# Command to instruct interlace to execute enum4linux-ng, to place in a file.
enum4linux-ng -A -R _target_ > _output_/_cleantarget_-enum4linux-ng.txt


X. HTTP / HTTPS services enumeration and analysis

URL extraction from nmap scan results

nmap-parse-output can extract hosts with an exposed http service from nmap's XML output, in the following format: <http | https>://<IP>:<PORT>.

The following services are identified as being http services: http, https, http-alt, https-alt, http-proxy, sip, rtsp, soap, vnc-http, and caldav.

nmap-parse-output <NMAP_XML_OUPUT> http-ports | tee <OUTPUT_HOSTS_HTTP>

URL validation and screenshotting

Using the extracted list of URLs as input, aquatone can be used to validate the URL and screenshot the accessible web applications.

Aquatone produces a report in the HTML format that embeds the screenshots, web page title, and headers enumerated. Web applications are grouped by similarities for easier visualization and analysis.

cat <INPUT_URLS> | aquatone <OUTPUT_DIR>

Web technologies identification

WhatWeb can be used to identify the various technological components used by the web applications exposed on the URL validated by aquatone.

Interlace is used in combination with WhatWeb to manage multi-threading and parameterize output.

# Command to instruct interlace to execute WhatWeb, to place in a file.
whatweb --aggression=3 _target_ > _output_/_cleantarget_-whatweb.txt


Files / directory bruteforcing

ffuf can be used to directories and files names on URL validated by aquatone. The files / directories wordlist size should be adapted to the number of URL to bruteforce and the network responsiveness.

A combination of wordlists, picked based on the technological components identified by WhatWeb, from SecLists may be used.


SSL / TLS configuration analysis

testssl and sslscan2 can be used to review the SSL / TLS configuration (supported protocols and cyphers, certificates audit, etc.) of HTTPS services.

Interlace is used in combination with sslscan and testssl to introduce multi-threading and parameterize outputs.

# Commands to instruct interlace to execute sslscan and, to place in a file.
sslscan _target_ > _output_/_cleantarget_-sslscan.txt _target_ > _output_/_cleantarget_-testssl.txt


Vulnerabilities / misconfigurations scans with nuclei

nuclei is a template based scanner that can be used to discover vulnerabilities or misconfigurations on web services.

nohup ./nuclei -list <URLS_FILE> -severity critical,high -irr -markdown-export -metrics &

X. Credentials bruteforcing

Usernames and passwords wordlist

SSH user enumeration

The Python script can be used to enumerate local users against OpenSSH services, under OpenSSH 7.7, which are vulnerable to oracle username enumeration (CVE-2018-15473).

# Commands to instruct interlace to execute sshUsernameEnumExploit, to place in a file.
python3 [--username <USERNAME> | --userList <USERNAMES_FILE> _target_ > _output_/_cleantarget_-ssh-enum.txt


Common services login bruteforce

Default port
Specific username(s)
Specific password(s)


TCP 21



TCP 22

rexec rlogin

TCP 512 TCP 513


TCP 1433



patator mssql_login host=FILE0 user=FILE1 password=FILE2 0="<INPUT_HOSTS>" 1=<WORDLIST_USER> 2=<WORDLIST_PASSWORD> -x ignore:fgrep='Login failed for user'



tomcat manager role role1

tomcat changethis s3cret

Last updated