Splunk usage

Quick deployment with Splunk docker container

For the quick deployment of a Splunk instance, the Splunk docker image (by Splunk) can be used.

docker pull splunk/splunk:latest

# Port 8000: Splunk web interface.
# Port 8088: Splunk HTTP event collectors service.
docker run -p [<IP>:]8000:8000 -p [<IP>:]8088:8088 -e "SPLUNK_PASSWORD=<PASSWORD>" -e "SPLUNK_START_ARGS=--accept-license" splunk/splunk:latest

Splunk search Cheat Sheet

Search commands


dedup <FIELD> dedup <FIELD1> <FIELDN>

Removes events containing an identical value(s) for the specified field(s).

dedup index

| eventcount [index=<* | INDEX>]

Returns the number of events in the specified indexes.

fields [+|-] <FIELD> fields <FIELD1> <FIELDN>

Keeps or removes the specified fields. Default to keeping fields (+).

iplocation allfields=true <FIELD>

Extracts location information (city, country, continent, ...) for the IP address by using a local copy of the ip-to-city-lite.mmdb IP geolocation database file

rare [limit=<INT>] <FIELD> rare <FIELD1> <FIELDN> rare <FIELD> by <FIELD_GROUP_BY> [<FIELD_GROUP_BYN>]

Displays the least common value of the specified field or the least common combination of values of the specified fields. With the group by close, rare field(s) for each field(s) in the given grouped by fields are returned.

... | rare Process_Command_Line Returns the rare Process_Command_Line fields. ... | rare Process_Command_Line Account_Name Returns the rare combination of Process_Command_Line and Account_Name fields. ... | rare Process_Command_Line by Account_Name Returns the rare Process_Command_Line fields for each different Account_Name.


Renames the specified field. Can be used in a nested search query to rename the pivoting field.

Rename FIELD to NEW_FIELD to filter on NEW_FIELD=FIELD_VALUE in the main search: index=* [search index=* | dedup FIELD | rename FIELD AS NEW_FIELD] Rename FIELD to the search keyword to use FIELD_VALUE as a plain text filter in the main search: index=* [search index=* | dedup FIELD | rename FIELD AS search]


Reverses the order in which events are displayed (more recent to oldest by default).

sort [limit=<LIMIT_INT>] [+ | -] <FIELD> sort [+ | -] <FIELD1> <FIELDN>

Sorts results by the specified field(s). The top 10 000 events are returned by default. The + (default) and - sign can be used to sort respectively by ascending or descending order. Cast functions (nums, str, etc.) can be applied to each fields if necessary.

... | sort -num(size) Sorts results by size in descending order.

stats count by <FIELD> stats count by <FIELD1> <FIELDN>

Counts the number of events by field or for a combination of the specified fields.

timeformat="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" earliest="<YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS>" latest="<YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS>"

Filters results in the specified timeframe (with earliest and / or latest).

timeformat="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" earliest="2023-01-13 11:12:13" latest="2023-02-01 21:00:00"


Filters results based on the specified condition(s)

<SELECTION> | stats earliest(_time) AS Earliest, latest(_time) AS Latest | convert ctime(Earliest) ctime(Latest)

Displays the timestamps of first and last events from the selection

eval match=if(match(<FIELD_1>,<FIELD_2>), 1, 0) | search match=<0 | 1>

Filters events if FIELD_1 and FIELD_2 match (match=1) / do not match (match=0).

eval <NEW_FIELD>=mvindex(<FIELD>,<0 | INDEX_START>,<0 | INDEX_END>)

Extracts a subset - INDEX_START to INDEX_END - from the multivalue field <FIELD> into NEW_FIELD

Example / useful search queries


| eventcount index=* summarize=false | dedup index | fields index

Lists available (non-internal) indexes.

index=* sourcetype=wineventlog EventCode=4688 | rare limit=100 Process_Command_Line

Returns the 100th rarest process execution command line (from non-default Windows Security logs).

index=* sourcetype=xmlwineventlog EventCode=3 DestinationHostname=*<DOMAIN> | stats count by DestinationHostname, Image

Counts the number of hits on each subdomains of <DOMAIN> by Image (from Sysmon logs).

| tstats min(_time) as latest max(_time) as earliest WHERE index="<* | INDEX>" by index, source | convert timeformat="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" ctime(earliest) ctime(latest)

Retrieves the earliest and latest events of each given types for the specified or all index.

index="<INDEX>" operationName="Sign-in activity" resultType=0 [search index="<INDEX>" operationName="Sign-in activity" resultType IN (50074, 50126, 50140) | dedup properties.userPrincipalName,resultType,properties.ipAddress | fields properties.ipAddress] | dedup properties.userPrincipalName | table properties.userPrincipalName,resultType,properties.ipAddress

<SEARCH> | regex _raw=".*\*.*"

Searching for the literal character *.

<SEARCH> | eval time_epoch=strptime(<TIMESTAMP_FIELD>, "[%Y-%m-%dT%T | TIMESTAMP_FORMAT>") | eval time_diff=now() - time_epoch | search time_diff <= 2592000 | sort 0 - time_epoch

Sort events using another timestamp (TIMESTAMP_FIELD) of TIMESTAMP_FORMAT format, only keeping events newer than 30 days (30d * 24h * 3600s).

rex field=<FIELD_TO_EXTRACT_FROM> "(?<<NEW_FIELD>>\\d+\.\\d+\.\\d+\.\\d+)"

rex command to extract an IPv4 from the specified field to the new field using an (dirty) regex.

<SELECTION> | eventstats count AS Count by host | eventstats earliest(_time) AS Earliest, latest(_time) AS Latest by host | sort Earliest | convert ctime(Earliest) ctime(Latest) | table host,Earliest,Latest,Count

Displays the timestamps of first and last events as well as the count of total events from the selection by host. The host field can be replaced by any field(s).

# Retrieve the first and last occurrence of an event (exemple: user,src,dst,dstname,dstport) as well as the total bytes sent and received across all events.
# Add a formatted message resuming the event in an human readable message.

index=* [...]
| eventstats sum(sent) as total_sent by user,src,dst,dstname,dstport
| eventstats sum(rcvd) as total_rcvd by user,src,dst,dstname,dstport
| stats earliest(_time) AS earliest, latest(_time) AS latest by user,src,dst,dstname,dstport,total_sent,total_rcvd
| sort earliest
| eval earliest = strftime(earliest, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
| eval latest = strftime(latest, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
| eval message="First access to " + dstname + " (IP: " + dst + ") from " + src + " for user " + user + ".-newline-Last access: " + latest + ".-newline-Total bytes sent: " + total_sent + " and received: " + total_rcvd + "."
| rex mode=sed field=message "s/-newline-/\n/g"
| table earliest,latest,user,src,dst,dstname,dstport,total_sent,total_rcvd

Splunk apps

olafhartong's ThreatHunting

The ThreatHunting Splunk application contains multiple dashboards, relying on telemetry from Sysmon and mapped on the MITRE ATT&CK framework.

The following Splunk applications must be installed for ThreatHunting to work:

The Threathunting application can then be installed. and will index should be configured on the indexers.



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