External recon

recon-ng is an open source intelligence (OSINT) framework designed to provide "a powerful environment to conduct open source [reconnaissance] quickly and thoroughly". recon-ng provides a layer of abstraction for numerous APIs that can be leveraged for external information gathering (domains and subdomains enumeration, reverse DNS lookups, searches in services and vulnerabilities datasets, etc.). recon-ng is built around modules, that will be referenced in the adequate sections of the present note.

# Sets the USER-AGENT sent by recon-ng (by default "Recon-ng/vX") for a more OPSEC friendly approach.



# Workspaces: projects that will hold the related domains, hosts, ports, etc..
# Each workspace will be stored as a SQLite database on the filesystem.

# Creates a "workspace".
workspaces create <WORKSPACE_NAME>

# List the existing workspaces.
workspaces list

# Switches to the specified workspace.
workspaces load <WORKSPACE_NAME>

# Removes the specified workspace.
workspaces remove <WORKSPACE_NAME>


# API keys operations.
# Each module lists the API key(s) it requires.

# Adds the specified key.
# Key names examples: bing_api, github_api, google_api, ipinfodb_api, shodan_api, spyse_api virustotal_api, whoxy_api, etc.
keys add <KEY_NAME> <KEY_VALUE>

# Removes the specified key.
keys remove <KEY_NAME>

# List the configured keys.
keys list


# Database operations (adding / removing targets, listing current results, etc.).
# Supported tables (as of recon-ng v5.1.2): companies, contacts, credentials domains, hosts, leaks, locations, netblocks, ports, profiles, pushpins, repositories, and vulnerabilities.
# "companies" table: name of the companies to target (for Whois / ASN research for instance).
# "domains" table: domains to be targeted.
# "hosts" table: hosts enumerated (hostname and IP address information notably).
# "ports" table: ports enumerated, including information on the host, the protocol / service, etc.

# Displays the schema of the current's workspace database.
db schema

# Lists the values stored in the specified table (including their rowid, needed for various operations).
show <domains | hosts | ports | TABLE_NAME>
db query SELECT rowid, * FROM <domains | hosts | ports | TABLE_NAME>;

# Adds the specified entry in the given table.
db insert companies <COMPANY_NAME>~ ~
db insert domains <DOMAIN>~
db insert netblocks <CIDR>~

# Removes the specified domain from the "domains" table.
db delete domains <ROWID>

# Removes all entries from the specified table.


# The modules of the recon-ng framework are not provisioned / installed by default but are made available from the "Recon-ng Marketplace" (https://github.com/lanmaster53/recon-ng-marketplace).

# Lists all the modules available.
marketplace search

# Searches among the available modules for the specified keyword(s).
marketplace search <KEYWORD(S)>

# Retrieves information about all or the specified module(s) (description, last update date, required API keys and dependencies, etc.).
marketplace info <all | MODULE_PATH>

# Install all or the specified module.
marketplace install <all | MODULE_PATH>


# The modules will usually require a <SOURCE> input.
# By default the source will be all the data from a recon-ng's table, but can be specified to be a single element, a file, or an SQL query to extract specific data.

# Lists the modules currently installed.
modules search

# Searches among the installed modules for the specified keyword(s).
modules search <KEYWORD(S)>

# Loads the specified module.
modules load <MODULE_PATH>

# Displays the help of the current module.
[recon-ng][<WORKSPACE>][<MODULE>] > info

# If required, set the <SOURCE> input for the current module.

# Execute the current module.
[recon-ng][<WORKSPACE>][<MODULE>] > run


# Specific modules are designed for the importing / exporting of results.
# Input modules: import/csv_file, import/list, import/masscan, and import/nmap.
# Notable exporting modules: reporting/csv, reporting/list, reporting/json, reporting/html, and reporting/xlsx.

# Import the data in the file in the specified table's column.
# For example, to import subdomains: <TABLE> = hosts & <COLUMN> = host.
modules load import/list
[recon-ng][<WORKSPACE>][list] > options set FILENAME <FILENAME>
[recon-ng][<WORKSPACE>][list] > options set TABLE <TABLE>
[recon-ng][<WORKSPACE>][list] > options set COLUMN <COLUMN>
[recon-ng][<WORKSPACE>][list] > run

Domain enumeration

[Passive] Initial domain enumeration

Manual searches using search engines, such as Google or Bing, should first be conducted to identify a list of domains linked to the targeted entity.

The goal of the research is to:

  • Gather an initial list of the domain directly linked to the targeted entity.

  • Identify the possible subsidiaries of the entity and gather information about their associated domains.

Once the main domain names are identified:

  • Queries to Whois records can be done to retrieve information about the registrant (registered holder of the domain) or the registrar (accredited organization that registers a domain on behalf of the registrant) of the domains.

    The whois Linux utility can be used to retrieve the Whois record of a specified domain:

    whois <DOMAIN>
    # Bash script to retrieve the Registrant of each domains (one by line) in the file given as input.
    while IFS= read -r domain; do
        registrant=$(whois $domain | grep "Registrant Organization" | cut -d ":" -f 2 | awk '{$1=$1};1')
        echo "\"$domain\",\"$registrant\""
    done < "$1"

    Additionally, the following online services can be used to make Whois queries:




    Free service through a web interface.

    Whoxy Whois Lookup


    Free Whois queries through the web interface and paid API (with a low pricing: 1,000 Domain Whois API queries for 2$). recon-ng's module (requires a whoxy_api API key): recon/domains-companies/whoxy_whois.

    DomainTools's Whois lookup


    Free service through a web interface.

  • The IP address(es) associated with the domains can be enumerated through DNS resolutions (using utilities such as dig, host, or nslookup) or using proprietary databases. Note that more than one IP can be associated with a domain name (through DNS A or AAAA records) and result may vary depending on client GeoIP data, etc.

    host <DOMAIN>
    # Bash script to resolve one IP of each domains (one by line) in the file given as input.
    while IFS= read -r domain; do
        IP=$(dig +short $domain | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/ /g')
        echo "$domain,$IP"
    done < "$1"

    The recon-ng's recon/hosts-hosts/resolve module can be used to resolve domain names (for the hosts table by default) using the nameserver configured with-in the framework (Google's DNS by default).

    Refer to the [L7] DNS - Methodology note for more information on DNS resolution if needed.

[Passive] Reverse Whois search

Reverse research in Whois records consist of researching information related to the registrant (name or email address for example) in proprietary Whois records dataset. Such research can be used to enumerate the others domains possibly registered by the same registrant.

A number of online services can be used to make reverse Whois queries.




Free web interface, allows search based on company / person names or email addresses. recon-ng's module: recon/companies-domains/viewdns_reverse_whois. If 403 Forbidden errors are returned by the API, the recon-ng's User-Agent should be set to a legitimate one.



Free web interface, allows search based on names or email addresses.



Paid service, with limited API credit upon signup.

DomainTools's reverse Whois lookup


Paid service, with the most comprehensive results. The number of results returned by a query can be consulted freely but the retrieval of the domain names is subject to charge.

[Passive] Reverse DNS lookup and IP sharing

Reverse DNS lookup consist of retrieving, in proprietary datasets, the domain(s) (or subdomain(s)) associated to a given IP address. It can be used to identify the domains or subdomains sharing a common IP address (and possibly owned by the targeted entity).

A number of online services can be used to make reverse DNS lookup to identify IP sharing.




Website and API, limited to 20 queries / day in the free tier (Python script provided below). recon-ng's module: recon/hosts-hosts/hackertarget_reverse.



Free queries through the web interface with limited result. Premium API, with a free plan: 1000 requests / month with max 5 results per page (i.e 500 results would require 100 requests).



Free queries through a web interface and API. The web interface displays results in the form of a graph, including additional results such as reverse DNS or Whois lookups.

WhoisXMLAPI's Reverse IP / DNS lookup


Website and API, with 100 free API calls upon signup.

Bing search engine

Search queries using: ip:<IP> ip:<IP> -site:<EXCLUDE_DOMAIN1> -site:<EXCLUDE_DOMAIN2> [...]

Web browsing Free and unlimited but requires manual and time-consuming browsing. Search requests are additionally limited to 1000 characters. The following bash one-liner can be used to generate a exclude -site: string from a file contaning domain names: while IFS= read -r line; do echo -n "-site:$line "; done < "$1" Bing API 1,000 requests free per month, with a Microsoft Azure account (requires credit card details).

The following Python script leverage the api.hackertarget.com reverse IP lookup API to retrieve the DNS records associated with each IP in the specified IP ranges:

import ipaddress
import requests
import sys

API_URL = 'https://api.hackertarget.com/reverseiplookup/'

if (len(sys.argv) < 2):
  print("Usage: reverse_dns.py <IP_FILE>")

IP_file = open(sys.argv[1], 'r')
IP_ranges = IP_file.read().splitlines()

for IP_range in IP_ranges:
  for IP in ipaddress.IPv4Network(IP_range):
  	r = requests.get(url = API_URL, params = {'q':IP})
  	if 'No DNS A records found' in r.text:
  	for record in r.text.splitlines():

[Passive] Leveraging Autonomous System Number

An Autonomous System Number (ASN) is a unique number assigned to an Autonomous System (AS) by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA). An AS consists of blocks of IP addresses which have a distinctly defined policy for accessing external networks and are administered by a single organization (which may not be the targeted entity but an operator having the entity as a client).


ASNRECON is a Python script that:

  • retrieve the ASN of a given domain,

  • lookup the IP addresses / ranges part of the ASN (in the dataset downloaded from the pyasn project),

  • and finally attempt to access, for each enumerated IP, an HTTPS service (on port TCP 443) to extract the subject defined in the SSL / TLS certificate.

Note that result may not usable if the ASN is not managed by the targeted entity.

# As asnrecon.py requires Python2 and a number of dependencies, it is recommended to use the Docker file provided in the repository to  build a Docker container.
docker build -f Dockerfile -t asnrecon .

# Either chose 1. to scan by domain name or 2. to only conduct the SSL / TLS subject name extraction on a given IP range.
docker run -it asnrecon

ASN Lookup

The asn Bash script can be used, among other features, to lookup ASN by organization name in order to retrieve the IP ranges linked to an entity.

Reverse DNS lookups, SSL / TLS certificates grabbing, etc. can then be performed on the enumerated IPs to retrieve additional domain names of the entity.

asn -o "<ENTITY_NAME>"

Subdomains enumeration

[Passive] Search engines and passive DNS proprietary dataset

Search engines, such as Google, Bing, etc., and proprietary databases (with historical data) operated by services such as DNSdumpster, VirusTotal, DomainTools, can be used to retrieve subdomains associated with a domain name.

URL / query

Rapid7's Project Sonar


massive offline dataset (hundreds of GB uncompressed) of domains and subdomains. Gathered using various sources and using direct DNS resolutions queries (ANY, A, AAAA, CNAME, and TXT record lookups). Offline query example (without extraction to disk to save disk space but which require new extraction for each search): pigz -dc <SONAR_GZ> | grep -F '<DOMAIN>"' | jq

DNSdumpster (web GUI) / HackerTarget (API)

https://dnsdumpster.com/ https://hackertarget.com/find-dns-host-records/

Passive DNS service (with historical data) accessible using a web interface or an API through, respectively, DNSdumpster and HackerTarget. recon-ng's module (for HackerTarget): recon/domains-hosts/hackertarget.



Initiated as an online scan engine relying on multiple anti-virus products, VirusTotal has a subdomains dataset (a priori based on historical lookups of files or URL submitted for scanning by users). The free API is limited to 500 requests per day and a rate of 4 requests per minute. recon-ng's module (requires a virustotal_api API key): recon/hosts-hosts/virustotal.



Unlimited free search through the web interface with however heavy restrictions: up to 20 results and unexportable results. API available in the free tier, limited to 100 requests each month (with a maximum of 100 results per request). recon-ng's module (requires a spyse_api API key): recon/domains-hosts/spyse_subdomains.



Free queries through a web interface and API. The web interface displays results in the form of a graph, including additional results such as reverse DNS or Whois lookups. recon-ng's module: recon/domains-hosts/threatcrowd.

Google search engine

Google dorks: site site:<DOMAIN> -site:<EXCLUDED_SUBDOMAIN1> -site:<EXCLUDED_SUBDOMAIN2> [...]

Free and unlimited (with eventual reCAPTCHA protection) but requires manual and time-consuming browsing. Search requests are additionally limited to 32 words. recon-ng's module (which may fail du to CAPTCHA): recon/domains-hosts/google_site_web.

Bing search engine

Bing dorks: site site:<DOMAIN> -site:<EXCLUDED_SUBDOMAIN1> -site:<EXCLUDED_SUBDOMAIN2> [...]

Similar to Google dorks. API available, with 1,000 requests free per month for authenticated users (Microsoft Azure account, which requires credit card details). recon-ng's module that scrape Bing search results (no API key requied): recon/domains-hosts/bing_domain_web. recon-ng's module for the Bing API (requires a bing_api API key): recon/domains-hosts/bing_domain_api.

[Passive] SSL / TLS certificates passive search

https://crt.sh/ https://transparencyreport.google.com/https/certificates

recon-ng's module recon/domains-hosts/certificate_transparency.

[Active] SSL / TLS certificates grabbing

nmap -v -sT -T 2 -Pn -p 443 -sV -sC -oA <OUTPUT_FILES> [-iL <INPUT_FILE> | <HOST | IP | CIDR | IP_RANGE>

[Active] Forward / reverse DNS brute force

Forward DNS lookup brute force consist of attempting to guess valid subdomains through DNS resolution. In addition, if the DNS PTR records, used for mail services, are configured for the domain, reverse lookup brute force may possible. Both actions require direct interactions with the DNS nameservers of the targeted entity.

Refer to the [L7] DNS - Methodology note for techniques and tooling to conduct forward / reverse DNS brute forcing.

[Passive / Active] Automated enumeration tools

Multiple tools can be used to automate the process of passively enumerating subdomains using public resources. While the tools introduced below generally produce fairly similar results, slight differences may arise and executing each tool can ensure a more comprehensive enumeration.


Go project retrieving data from crt.sh, Certspotter, HackerTarget, ThreatCrowd, the Wayback Machine, and dns.bufferover.run, as well as Facebook, VirusTotal, and SPYSE if API keys are provided.

Python script retrieving data from: - Search engines (Google, Bing, Yahoo, Baidu, Ask, and Netcraft). - Proprietary DNS datasets (DNSdumpster, VirusTotal, and ThreatCrowd) - SSL / TLS certificates using crt.sh.


# Execution of Amass on a single domain.
amass enum -passive -d <DOMAIN>

# Uses of interlace to multi-thread the execution of Amass on multiples domain.
echo 'amass enum -passive -d _target_ > _output_/_cleantarget_-amass.txt' > Amass_cmd_file.txt
interlace -tL <INPUT_DOMAIN_FILE> -o <OUTPUT_FOLDER> -cL Amass_cmd_file.txt


# Execution of assetfinder on a single domain.
assetfinder <DOMAIN>

# Uses of interlace to multi-thread the execution of assetfinder on multiples domain.
echo 'assetfinder _target_ > _output_/_cleantarget_-assetfinder.txt' > assetfinder_cmd_file.txt
interlace -tL <INPUT_DOMAIN_FILE> -o <OUTPUT_FOLDER> -cL assetfinder_cmd_file.txt


# Execution of Sublist3r on a single domain.
python sublist3r.py -d <DOMAIN>

# Uses of interlace to multi-thread the execution of Sublist3r on multiples domain.
echo 'python3 sublist3r.py -n -d _target_ | grep _target_ | grep -v "Enumerating subdomains now for" > _output_/_cleantarget_-sublist3r.txt' > Sublist3r_cmd_file.txt
interlace -tL <INPUT_DOMAIN_FILE> -o <OUTPUT_FOLDER> -cL Sublist3r_cmd_file.txt

IPs and services exposure



Code repository enumeration and research


Employees contacts gathering


Leaked credentials

[Passive] Dehashed

dehashed.com is a website that indexes multiple billions of credentials leaked in various data breaches and datasets. It allows searches to be conducted by domain name, username, emails, name, password, etc.

While leaked email entries can be consulted freely, dehashed.com requires a paid subscription to view the password or hash associated with an entry. Additional API credits are also required to programmatically retrieve credentials. As of the end of 2021, the prices are:

  • 5.49$ for a one week access, 15.49$ monthly or 179.99$ annually.

  • 2.5$ for 100 API requests (with a maximum of 10 000 results by request).

The API request can be used to retrieve the entries with an email containing the specified domain:

# Example of a valid <EMAIL_DOMAIN>: test.com.
# Searches can also be conducted using the username, password, name, ip_address keywords.

curl -o <OUTPUT_JSON_FILE> 'https://api.dehashed.com/search?query=email:<EMAIL_DOMAIN>&size=10000' \
-u <EMAIL>:<API_KEY>  \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

The following Python snippet convert the JSON file produced by the API request above to a CSV file:

import json
import csv

json_file = open(r'<JSON_INPUT_FILE>', encoding="utf8")
csv_file = open(r'<CSV_OUTPUT_FILE>', 'w', encoding="utf8", newline='')

dehashed = json.load(json_file)

csv_writer = csv.DictWriter(csv_file, quoting=csv.QUOTE_ALL, fieldnames = ["email", "password", "hashed_password", "username", "name", "database_name", "ip_address", "address", "phone", "vin", "id"])

for entry in dehashed['entries']:


Username enumeration and password bruteforce / spraying

Externally facing Exchange server

If an Internet facing Outlook Web Access (OWA) / Exchange Web Services / Exchange Active Sync (EAS) portal is identified, it may be possible to validate usernames (in a time-based attack) or to bruteforce credentials.

  • OWA is a browser client web application designed for users to access their mailboxes. Allows to both validate usernames and conduct bruteforcing attacks.

  • EWS is a non-user facing service allowing applications to communicate with the Exchange server. Can be leveraged for (faster) bruteforcing attacks.

  • EAS is a proprietary protocol designed for the synchronization of email, contacts, calendar (etc.) from Exchange servers. Allows to both validate usernames and conduct bruteforcing attacks. The portal is usually exposed at https://<EXCHANGE_SERVER>/Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync/.

Note that the usernames validation technique against OWA / EAS rely on a time difference between response time for authentication attempts with a valid or invalid username. An unsuccessful authentication will thus be triggered for any valid account found. As the accounts are (most likely) subject to the Active Directory domain password policy, precautions should be taken to avoid locking out the accounts by limiting the enumeration / password guessing attempts.

The PowerShell MailSniper toolkit and the SprayingToolkit Python script can be used to conduct password spraying attacks against OWA / EWS portals.

# Determines a the domain name associated with the Exchange instance.
Invoke-DomainHarvestOWA -ExchHostname <EXCHANGE_HOSTNAME | EXCHANGE_IP>

# Attempts to valid usernames through a time-based attack.
Invoke-UsernameHarvestOWA -ExchHostname <EXCHANGE_HOSTNAME | EXCHANGE_IP> -Domain <DOMAIN_NAME> -UserList <USER_FILE> -OutFile <OUTPUT_FILE>
Invoke-UsernameHarvestEAS -ExchHostname <EXCHANGE_HOSTNAME | EXCHANGE_IP> -Domain <DOMAIN_NAME> -UserList <USER_FILE> -OutFile <OUTPUT_FILE>

# According to tests performed by the MailSniper author, bruteforcing through EWS is significantly faster than bruteforcing through OWA / EAS.
Invoke-PasswordSprayOWA -ExchHostname <EXCHANGE_HOSTNAME | EXCHANGE_IP> -UserList <USER_FILE> -Password <PASSWORD>
Invoke-PasswordSprayEAS -ExchHostname <EXCHANGE_HOSTNAME | EXCHANGE_IP> -UserList <USER_FILE> -Password <PASSWORD>
Invoke-PasswordSprayEWS [-ExchangeVersion <Exchange2013_SP1 | EXCHANGE_VERSION>] -ExchHostname <EXCHANGE_HOSTNAME | EXCHANGE_IP> -UserList <USER_FILE> -Password <PASSWORD>

If valid credentials are found, MailSniper's MailSniper cmdlet can be used to harvest email addresses. The cmdlet will first attempt to connect to an OWA portal to use the FindPeople method (available starting from Exchange2013). If this attempt does not succeed, the cmdlet will attempt to retrieve the Global Address List over EWS.

Get-GlobalAddressList -ExchHostname <EXCHANGE_HOSTNAME | EXCHANGE_IP> -UserName <DOMAIN>\<USERNAME> -Password <PASSWORD> -OutFile <OUTPUF_FILE>





Last updated